Chapter One -Brenna-

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"I'm home!" I call to no one in particular since I'm the only one home.

Meowww. My cat, whom I love to death, welcomes me at the door.

We've had Presley for four years now and yet, he still acts like a kitten. When we rescued him, they told us he had some sort of either brain damage or a neurological disorder, causing him to be the runt of his litter, and shake a lot. He has trouble walking in a straight line as if he's been drinking, and he runs into things like his water bowl and walls around the house quite frequently. We just call him unique and give him lots of pets.

I'm not sure why we named him Presley. I guess it just kind of suits him. We got the name from the king of rock himself, Elvis Presley. I love it. Almost as much as my love of music.

As I kick off my shoes, and head over to the fridge I holler at our Amazon Alexa to turn on my jams playlist. Ella Fitzgerald's soothing voice sings to me through the speakers and I sway my way out of the kitchen, after grabbing a yogurt.

I toss my backpack into the chair beside me and slide down into my own at the table. I pull out my textbook and some flashcards and start studying for my test next week.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

I reach into my front backpack pocket and pull out my phone to see who's calling. It's Raelynn, like always. She wants to facetime.

I press the green button and hold the phone up to my face.


" Omg, Brenna I have sooooo much tea." She answers immediately. "So I heard Jace talking about you in Spanish today with some of his friends, and..." she giggles, "I think he totally likes you!"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. You've thought the guy was drop-dead hot since like eighth grade when you first laid your pretty little eyes on him. AND I am your best friend, so why on earth would I lie to you?"

"I don't know, I just find it highly surprising considering I'm me."

"Shut up, you're drop-dead gorgeous, have genius brains, you're athletic, your totally popular, and on top of that you're one of the nicest people I know. Why the hell would he not like you?"

"Oh, you probably just decided to leave out all the bad factors, like my eye for example."

My eye is the one thing I am most self-conscious about. When I was three weeks old, the doctors noticed I had a cataract covering my lens in my left eye. When they removed the lens, the eye became lazy and the cornea was smaller than the one in the right eye. Since I was little, I've wanted to get the surgery to correct the direction my eye points and right before I started school in August, I had it. I was a little scared at the time, but now my eye is no longer lazy and with my magnifying glasses, it appears similar to my right eye.

"Brenna, no one even notices your eye. I didn't even notice until you told me which was months after we met."

"I know but I'm still self-conscious, okay? It's just hard to believe a bad boy, like Jace Walker, likes me."

"Brenna, I feel like this isn't only about your eye."

"Of course it is. What else would it be?"

"Brenna, come on. You know what I mean."

"What? No, I don't," I lie.

I know exactly what she is talking about. She's talking about my trust issues. Raelynn just doesn't understand that those aren't going to just disappear. The pain is still there from what happened.

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