Chapter Four -Brenna-

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The door is open to Jace's house and I enter to see passed out people on the couches and empty bottles of alcohol everywhere. But I don't see Raelynn. She has to be here somewhere; I saw her car parked outside.

I ascend the long, elegant staircase in search of her. I'm opening doors and looking everywhere I can. After coming up empty in all of the rooms in the hall, I see the last door at the end and make a beeline for it.

I knock tentatively and hear no reply. I twist the handle a bit and lightly push open the door, immediately hearing snoring. The room is dark and large, and it takes me a second for my eyes to adjust.

When they do, I spot two people fast asleep on the bed and instantly recognize my best friend, Raelynn. The other is hidden by her.

However, upon looking around the room, I can quickly tell it's Jace's by all the stupid decor.

Wait, Raelynn and Jace? Wasn't she just agreeing with me an hour or so ago that he wasn't a good guy? And just yesterday, she was trying to set me up with him! Oh my god.

I walk over to the bed and lightly tap Raelynn's shoulder to wake her up. She doesn't even slightly respond, so I shake her harder and her eyes flutter open.

"Brenna?" she asks in a sleepy tone.

"Come on, Raelynn, we need to get back to your house its past midnight. You fell asleep while I was gone."

"Oh my god, I fell asleep! We need to go right now," she says, hopping out of the bed and slipping her shoes on. It was at that moment she appears to realize whose room she was in. She whispers rapidly to me.

"Brenna, we are in Jace Walker's room. Shit. What was I doing here? I literally don't remember anything.
"How am I supposed to know? I've been gone for the past couple hours"

"Where were you? Oh wait, you disappeared earlier when we were playing truth or dare. Oh god, it's all starting to come back to me. Shit, shit, shit. Jace asked if I wanted to go somewhere quieter and I said yes for some reason and then he took me here. We were making out for a bit but I fell asleep. Jesus, can we get out of here?"

She starts to get up and head to the door but loses her balance, nearly tumbling over. I catch her arm and pull her up before she faceplants into the ground. I steady her and she gains a sense of determination on her face.

"You okay?"

"Yes, let's go."

We wobble down the hall and the stairs, me with my arm around her waist supporting her, her focusing on walking in a straight line. In the dark, we meet eyes and start laughing hysterically.

"Can you imagine how ridiculous we probably look right now?" I sputter in between giggles.

This makes us laugh harder.

"Who cares though, we should just live while we're young!" she proclaims as we get into her car.


The next morning I wake up in a pile on Raelynn's bed consisting of limbs, multiple blankets, and large fluffy pillows. My head is pounding like someone is in there hacking away at my brain with an ice pick and when I attempt a sitting position, the room spins. Then I feel the bile in the back of my throat and quickly run into the bathroom.

I puke my guts out for what seems like forever, waking Raelynn up. I hear her griping from the room and I sit back and wipe my mouth. She pops her head into the bathroom to check on me and after one glance, she sashays off to the kitchen presumably to get us water, food, and ibuprofen.

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