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The following day to school was very humorous because everyone was in the hangover of yesterday's party.

The last thing today I would avoid would be seeing Dereck, Sophia, and Michael.

I was heading towards my locker when someone vigorously turned me around and hugged me so tightly knocking my air circulation.

I felt disgusted as I realized who this petite girl was, I shoved her away.

I saw a very devasted Sophia now with a fresh set of tears flowing through her tinted cheeks.

''I'm sorry Ron, please, please forgive me'' she pleaded.

''I never wanna make you feel bad, I did it for you. You are my only good friend here, even in my entire life I never got a friend like you. You are like my sister, would you please forgive me?'' she said while gripping my arm.

''You are being ridiculous here .'' I dragged her out of the hallway and we moved to the school campus.

I released my hand that was dragging her and tucked them around my chest.

''Please Ron, don't leave me. I know that I just didn't tell you about my relationship with Michael and it's not even a serious one I'm just using him to get back at Fermiga, I'm sorry'' she sobbed.

'' I can do anything for you but don't say that you are ditching our friendship now.'' she held her hands pleading for me to forgive.

That day I realized this girl in front of me is obsessed with her friendship. If I any longer stay with her or be with her dirty tactics, I would become crazy.

''Well, Sophia Sheewat I'm ditching our friendship,'' I said and walked away from her. Just for my curiosity, I turned back and I saw Sophia not looking at me but at the right side and smirking.

I felt goosebumps on the back of my neck. Who is she?

Today I was sitting alone in the cafeteria. I don't mind that. Then I saw Fermiga coming up to me and rested her tray and blueberry cheesecake.

I glanced her coldly and proceeded to sip my lemonade.

''You see Veronica, Michael and Sophia came to me yesterday and made an apology about the kiss scandal. Well, and she also mentioned that you were innocent in that case.'' She exclaimed and twisted a finger through her hair.

I looked at her with the same expression and continued with my business, but instead, I was battling inside about my today's behaviour with Sophia was right or not? Well, she didn't deserve me.

" Well now the cases are solved between me and you lets make a truce, how about now you leave my Derry ?'' she purred while crossing her arms.

I didn't respond to what does she think? Dereck and me? Gosh, that would be the last thing in my priorities list.

" Oh looks like dear Veronica is obsessed with my Derry isn't it?'' she hinted.

I took my coke can and went away because at the end of the day Fermiga is still Fermiga. Today I'm definitely craving for drinks.

Now I have to deal with my favourite subject. Algebra here I come.

I sat on the front bench because it is always free of dramas and chaos.

Mrs Crook entered and gave us all a problem which was beyond our imagination, jokes apart I knew the answer because I was tutored at home where practically all the questions and answers were familiar to me.

'' So this question is for you and after 5 minutes I would be asking one of you to come here and write down the answer on the board with correct steps. Am'I clear to all? " with that she waited for the torture section to begin which would be in 5 minutes from now.

After five minutes she asked Fermiga, to answer the question which she failed miserably and was asked to sit in extra classes on Saturday.

Then it was Michael's turn. He was getting on all good but made mistake at the last step which led him to a very wrong answer.

'' I see very sad Michael, I can't believe a student like you would make such a silly mistake. Now you see where your marks are gone? Don't you?" she questioned him.

'' I'm sorry Mrs Crook. " Michael mouthed.

" Don't you wanna know the correct answer, Michael? Mrs.Empire would you like to do the honours" she drawled enough so the whole class could hear.

I stood up and faced the board and took the chalk " It's simply the given expression is |x-2|-4|-6| if x<2 then x-2<0then |x-2|=(x-2).

Substitute |x-2| by -(x-2) and |-6| by 6." I just slightly took a glance, nearly everyone's eyes were out of their sockets and mouth opened ajar.

" Then |x-2|-4|-6|=-(x-2)-4(6)=x-22 '' after explaining I went back to my seat.

'' Very brilliant Mrs Empire. Now did you understand Mr Elias where you were wrong?'' she explained calmly.

" Yes, miss I know my mistake now" a smirk came to my face when Michael glared at me.

" Excuse me Mrs Crook that is partiality you asked me to sit in the extra classes but why Michael is spared? Why doesn't Michael get one?'' she jumped from her bench startling Mrs Crook.

" Be patient lady at least Michael was close to his answer, but you were only able to get through the first step. Now sit down and concentrate more on the class rather staring at your left." a laugh escaped from me and Michael because sitting left to Fermiga was Dereck.

Like that Algebra was over and now I have to deal with History.
Picture of Michel Elias Jacky
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