Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I knocked on the classroom door and through the window I could see everyone turn their head to face me. I started to get embarrassed and looked down, a slight blush on my cheeks. Wrapping my hand around the door handle, I turned it and pushed the door open, closing it behind me as I stepped into the classroom.

I glanced up and saw everyone looking at me. Looking back down, I made my way to the teacher's desk. I gave him the piece of paper I had been given to give to the first teacher I have. He read the paper, and then folded it back up, placed it on his desk and stood up. He walked to the front of the class and faced the students.

"Students, we have a new student in this class." He announced. The teacher looked at me and gestured me to come over to him. I walked to him, my head still bowed a little. Facing the class, my blush reddens. "Would you care to introduce yourself?" I nodded.

"H-hello everyone, my name is Elizabeth Rose." I introduced. I looked up at everyone and saw them just looking at me.

"Would you care to sit over there next to Alexis, Elizabeth." The teacher said, pointing over to a girl with curly light brown hair and light green eyes. She waved at me with big smile. I nodded and made my way to the empty seat next to her. I placed my bag on the ground next to the table and sat down.

"Hello!" Alexis beamed. "I'm Alexis Gray. You can just call me Alex." I nodded. She had long curly light brown hair, light green eyes, tan skin, wearing a white singlet with a brown jacket, black skinny jeans, and brown buckle shoes.

"Hi..." I trailed off. I didn't know what to say; this is the longest and only conversation I've ever had with someone that isn't a creepypasta. Besides the teacher and the lady who gave me my timetable and the piece of paper.

"Oi, Alexis! Stop talking to the new student." The teacher scolded Alexis.

"Sorry!" Alexis called.

------------------Lunch time/break one---------------------

The ring of the bell got me out of my daze. The teacher had been teaching the class something I've already learned from Slendy. I felt a tug on my arm.

"Hey, you should come hang with me and my friends." Alexis said. I looked at her.

"... Okay." I said. I stood up and grabbed my bag. I followed Alexis out of the classroom when most of the other students had left. She led me all the way to the cafeteria, and then pointed at a table that had four other people sat at it. Dragging me over to the table, she waved at her friends.

"Hey, Alex. Who's this?" Asked a girl with blonde hair that was tied up, blue eyes, wearing a purple hoodie, black jeans and, white sneakers.

"Hey, Kristyn." Alexis said as she faced Kristyn, and then turned to look at me. "This is Elizabeth Rose."

"Hey, Elizabeth." Kristn said, waving at me. I waved back as I looked at the other people who sat at the table.

"So, Elizabeth," Alexis said, getting my attention. She pointed at Kristyn. "This is Kristyn Schulte. This is Traci Hatcher." Traci had shoulder length cream colored hair, sky blue eyes, and little lighter skin than Alexis. She was wearing  blue long-sleeved top that showed the top of her shoulders, dark blue jeans, and blue shoes. "This is Raven Hildebrand." Raven was dark skinned with black hair that stopped a bit bellow her ears. She had brown eyes and was wearing a turquoise singlet, black jeans, and black shoes. "And this is Alli Damico." Alli was an Asian girl with long black hair that was to her side, on her shoulder and had been twisted. She had brown eyes and was wearing a black singlet, black skirt, and black flats. "That's the gang!"

I looked at all of them as they waved at me. I got a chorus of 'hey's and 'sup's from them.

"You're one of us now." Alexis said next to me. I looked at her; she was smiling warmly with a sparkle in her eyes. "Welcome to the gang." I looked at everyone else and saw they had all cracked a smile. I felt warm inside. I've finally made friends... I finally made friends! I couldn't hold my happiness back anymore; I started smiling brightly. My eyes closed and a large smile on my lips, I said:

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all!"

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