Chpater 13 - Sisters

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I was in so much shock when Zach revealed both of us. Is his name Zach or Adonis? I don't know. How did he even know who i was? No one knew who I was.

I was currently sitting in English literature class. She was discussing A midsummer's dream. A really good book, but I was to distracted to care. When suddenly, the doors burst open. And in walked in two girls.

One with dyed mint green hair and the the other with a violet dyed hair. They were both wearing sunglasses. " Good morning. You two must be the new students. Introduce yourselves and go an dsit down next to Miss Lyon. " Said miss Daphne, a new teacher.

" Kia West. " What?! " Kara West. " They both said as they came to seat on either side of me. " Girls. Is that really you? " Asked Alessia. Then Kia removed her sunglasses and I saw her gorgeous light green eyes. " Yes, Elena. " Said Kara as she removed her glasses and we saw her beautiful indigo eyes with splashes of blue.

The three of us were so identical. The only difference was our hair colour and eye colour that we can change at anytime.

" Miss Daphne, please excuse all four of us, please? " I said as I walked out of the class with Kia, Kara and Alessia.

We walked into the girls bathroom. I checked all the stalls to be sure that there was no one in there. " What are you girls doing here? " I exclaimed. " We missed our little sister. And we came back to see her. " Said Kia.

" Don't give me that, Kia. You both left without even giving me a second thought at the age of 9 for goodness sake. Do you have any idea how it feels to have everyone in your family walk away from you? Leaving an entire empire, legacy and heritage to take over and keep away from enemies? You two have no idea how that feels because while I was protecting and building up our blood and qsweat you were enjoying yourselves in Spain, Madrid, Santorini and other places. " I said with tears in my eyes.

" We had to leave because it was to dangerous for us to be there. We can't explain it but you need to know that we did it because we love you. Please forgive us. " said Kara.

I looked at my older sisters an di smiled proudly. " I don't forgive you, it'll take time. But I'm glad you're back " I said while hugging them.

" Thank you so much. " Ring!!!!! " Well that is the bell for lunch. Let's go " said Alessia. " Yes but one thing Adonis knows my secret. And also he is Zach. " Then Alessia gasped. " Romano also knows mine. And he is Joshua. " Weird.

" Let's go. I want to eat. " Said Kia. We walked out together, catching the eyes of so many people. There were so many whispers.

" She's a triplet? "

" They look so alike "

" Even with the weird hair and weirder eyes. "

I was sure Kia heard that because she went to attack the girl that said so. " If you have something to say, I advise you to say it to my face and not to my back. My back is not a voicemail. " Snarled Kia.

" Calm down, Kiara. " Said Asher. " I'm over here, Asher. " Then they all looked over to my side. " Okay, Kiara has doubled in two places. "  Said Noah.

" Actually, these are my triplet sisters " I saw the flash of pain int heir eyes as I said triplets. " The one you told to calm down is Kia. The first born. This one is Kara. The second born. I'm the last born. " Well it is not a lie.

" Nice, where were you guys all these while? " Asked Jackie with a hint of curiosity. Currently we were sitting in the cafeteria.

When Zach and Joshua walked in. Ever since I found out that Zach was actually Adonis, I have felt much more attracted to him. He looks sexier with that dangerous yet alluring aura around him.

" Wow, so you're a triplet? " Asked Zach. " Yes, Zach. " I said, putting emphasis on it. " Actually, it's Adonis. " What?! " Just like yours Frost. " He said as he stood up and motioned for all of us to follow him. What do you have planned Adonis?

We walked behind him to the parking lot. He entered his car and we all entered ours and followed him.

We ended up in a beautiful mansion.

He led us upstairs to a huge adjourning room. He sat down, with me by his right and Joshua by his left.

" I bet you're wondering how I found out that you're Frost. I've known since you first came to the school. First, only you has violet eyes, the tattoo of a snowflake on your shoulder side, the fact that only members of The Ice Dynasty has. And finally, I know you. " Said Adonis or Zach.

" So which one do we call you? " I asked, with venom in my voice. Feeling my eyes and hair turn red.

" How is she doing that? " Asked Blythe. " Calm down, Frost. You know it's too dangerous. " Said Alessia. I managed to calm down and my hair and eye colour became normal again.

" We'll go around saying our real names, alias in the underworld and what gang we belong to. Alright? Zach, you start. " Said Kia.

" Adonis Zach King Winters. I use Adonis King in the underworld. I am the leader of Blood Kings. "

" Romano Valentino Joshua Marciano. I use Romano Valentino. I am the second leader in Blood Kings. "

" Luna Kiara Liora Frost West Lyon. I use Luna Frost West. I am the leader of Ice Dynasty. "

" Elena Alessia Eleanora Dawson Carter. I use Elena Carter. I am the co-leader of Ice Dynasty. "

" Asher Kale Black. I use the Black King. I am the second in command of Blood Kings. A Regal King "

" Blythe Loren Black Thorne. I use Queen Black Thorne. I am the leader of The Black Thorne and a Regal Queen. "

" Jacqueline Astoria Black. I use Queen Silver Mirage or Astoria Silver. I am a Regal Queen and second in command to the leaders of Ice Dynasty. "

" Chelsea Alexis Dickson. I use Alexia Knight or Queen Knight. I am fourth in command to the leaders of Ice Dynasty. "

" Noah Declan Jacob Ross. I use Shadow Prince. I am third in command of Blood Kings. "

" Jace Angelo Knight. I use Prince of Knights. I am coming third in command to the leaders of Blood Kings. "

We looked at Kia and Kara, awaiting their responses. " I am Kia Fiera Lyon West. I use Queen Armoura. I am the leader of " then they both took a deep breath. " Red Roses. " I felt the red coming back.

" I am Kara Gaia Lyon West. I use Blood Princess. I am the co leader of Red roses. " I snapped.

Hello old friend.


She's back. Watch out.

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