Chapter 3

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                                                                                   Prisoner Part 1

I suddenly woke with a start, I was still in the bed Severus had shown me the night before. I looked around and saw all the lights were off except for a dim light from a candle that was lit next to my bed. There were no windows in the area I could not tell what time it was nor could tell if the sun was up or not, which was very hard for me to deal with since I loved the sun. The warmth on my skin made me feel like I had come alive. But now i was down in the world of vampires.The word sun, was absolutely least that was I was taught as a young girl and grew up with.

I went searching through my pockets to findmy phone for I know that my boss would be very upset to see that I was not there and was probably terrified that I had become one with the missing person's list. Which he had a right to be scared, I wouldn't blame him. When I finally found my phone I turned it on and found I had many texts from co-wokers and of course Fred had tried contacting me the most. I flipped through text through text basically saying the same thing over and over. I finally clicked on everyone's name and decided to send them all a text as once. As I texted I whispered beneath my breath. "Everything is fine, I am in the lair of which I believe the people who are involved with the missing people. I will keep tabs on what I've found out. Will contact everyone sparingling. If I need help i won't hesitate to ask."

I hit send and the message took a few seconds and went through to all the people I texted. "Ugh, Alyssa, what did you get yourself into?"

"You basically got you into a world where you can never return." A deep voice answered my question. I turned around to see Severus literally coming through the wall.

"How are you--

"How am I walking through this wall? That's a secret only few vampires know. Some of the oldest." He replied carefully.

"So you're one of the older vampires living..." I replied mostly to myself rather than him. "Could you intorduce me to the oldest of your kind?"

"I thought you weren't interested in vampires...also goes the same with your shirt, who is your friend's name?"

Shit...I had gotten myself into it now..."I was just curious as to who the oldest was."

"I don't believe you. You're lying I can smell it on your skin, in your veins. You're trying to hide who your true self really is. I think I'm going to have you stay here until I can truly trust you, for all I know you might run off and tell people that we truly exist." Severus growled.

"YOU CAN'T KEEP ME HERE!" I screamed. At that moment he arched an eyebrow and in a second was on top of me pinning me to the ground.

"Honestly Alyssa, I can do anything I want, you're in my domain and I saved your life. You owe me." He bared his teeth as I fought against him. I knew that there was no use of me doing so but the fight came natural to me. "Why do you fight knowing you can't win?"

"Because I never go down without a fight." I growled back. Severus nodded his head in an understanding manner.

"A warrior at heart, but yet you do not know how to use your full potiental. You will need much training before you could even get close to defeating me. And with your disability of being human you will need to work extra hard." He spoke, mostly to himself, but I could tell he wanted me to hear this as well.

"What are you going to do?" I asked almost worriedly.

He looked at me and hesitated to say anything but finally spoke. "In the vampire world we have a game basically see who is the better warrior, they fight to the death and the winner gets more respect and anything their heart desires. I shall enter you in this game, I shall train you and if you are able to kill all the vampires you face you will earn your freedom."

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