Chapter 2

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                                                         Under Cover

I had put on my vampire shirt but on dark purple eye shadow on my eye lids, pale make up on and dark red lipstick on my lips making me look like I wanted to be a part of the undead. "Okay Midnight you're in charge while I'm gone…don't know when I'll be back you know where the food is." I cooed to my cat.

Midnight looked up at me with his eyes half closed and meowed. I chuckled and petted his head and turned on the faucet so where it would drip water slow just in case I was gone longer than expected. I opened the door and walked out of the room locking it behind me and went to do my undercover work. As I walked down the stairs I passed men who were making remarks about my shirt about biting my neck or wanting to be my vampire. I just ignored them and went on my way. I made it out on the street and started walking looking for anyone who would look suspicious.

Cincinnati was a lively street, everyone still walking about, mostly teenagers in their little groups gossiping about people at school. To be young and carefree again, I wouldn't change anything in the world. "Hey sweet thing, you look very hot tonight." A deep purring voice came by my ear. I turned around and looked him up and down trying to figure out what he was. Killing a human on the street was bad and would be charged with murder…killing a vampire you can kill one and they'd turn to dust in a mere second.

"Thank you." I replied deeply and batted my eyes a little bit showing some interest.

"So you're a vampire?" he asked me inquisitive.

I bit my lip a little bit and retorted, "Technically no, but to meet one or to become one would be the coolest thing in the world. But no one has the proof that they even exist." I acted sad looking at him. He gave me a smile showing off long fangs.

I looked at them and whispered, "Are they real?"

He gave me a devilish smile and replied, "You can try taking them out if you like but I doubt they will ever come out."

He opened his mouth and I tried pulling the fangs out and like he said they wouldn't. But just because he had fangs didn't mean that he was the real deal. Crazy people got fake fangs in every day to become like a vampire who didn't know they actually existed. I had a crucifix in hand and pressed it against his skin before he knew what was happening. It burnt him instantly. He growled and bared his teeth and rubbed the spot where I had the crucifix.

"Why did you do that?!" he growled.

"To make sure you were the real deal. Many people can get fake fangs and say they're a real vampire." I replied simply.

The anger slowly vanished and he shook it off and saw where I was coming from. "Of course, now a days everyone wants to be a vampire…including you."

I smiled innocently and batting my eyes. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for bad men." I spoke seductively.

A smirk formed on his face as he started to lead me off the street and down an alley way. "Where are we going?" I asked worriedly.

He looked down at me and didn't say anything but simply pressed a brick and a whole new entry appeared in front of us. "You didn't honestly think that we'd have our clubs open for the average human?"

"I thought you guys just blended in with the human population really." I replied sheepishly.

He chuckled and said, "Some of us do, who want groupies. But the more sophisticated vampires stay with their own kind."

"What about me?"

"I have a surprise for you." He smiled and as he escorted me into the mysterious entry. He lead me downstairs and the further we went music was more noticeable around us. The passage way was very old and water dripped from the ceiling. We came to a cell door where I suppose was a vampire guarding it. He was very big and strong. I actually was scared for the first time. Apparently he had smelt my fear because he chuckled.

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