Chapter 3

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The sisters made their way back to the castle to prepare for their journey to the Valley of the Living Rock. However, before they could even step foot into the castle, they were met with a distraught Kristoff, who had run out to meet them, with Olaf following closely behind on Sven.

"Anna! Elsa! Are you guys okay? Kai just told me there was a commotion going on at the town square. What happened?" asked Kristoff.

"Well honey," began Anna, "I may have accidentally frozen a few houses back there, but it's all good now, Elsa helped me, everything has thawed out now."

Kristoff raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you were the one who froze the houses? Isn't that kind of Elsa's thing? No offence, Elsa."

Elsa chuckled. "None taken."

"No, I did that," said Anna. "You see, Elsa doesn't have her powers anymore, and – I kinda woke up with them."

Kristoff stared at the both of them for awhile with his mouth wide open before he asked, "What? How?"

"Anna has powers now?" asked Olaf, jumping off Sven and giving the sisters a very intrigued look. "Interesting."

Anna gave her husband a serious look. "Sweetie, we have find a way to fix this. So we're going to see the trolls."

"Alright then," said Kristoff, "We'll go pay them a visit. They'll definitely know what to do about this."

"Actually, when I said 'we', I was kind of thinking more along the lines of just me and Elsa," said Anna, twiddling her fingers. "Arendelle will need at least one member of the royal family to be around in case anything happens. I mean, don't take this the wrong way, it's not that I don't want you to come – "

"It's okay, Anna."

Anna looked and saw that Kristoff was giving her a warm smile. "It's alright. I completely understand. Don't worry so much about Arendelle. Just make sure that the two of you stay safe, alright? You girls can take Sven if you'd like."

Anna gave Kristoff a quick peck on the lips. "Thanks for understanding, sweetie. It's okay, we won't take Sven, I know how much he means to you. Elsa and I will take the royal horses instead."

Olaf jumped excitedly into the air. "Alright! Another adventure!"

Both Anna and Elsa looked lovingly at Olaf, and then gave each other an understanding look. As much as they wanted to bring Olaf along, for some reason they both felt that it would be better if Olaf stayed out of this one.

"Olaf," said Elsa tenderly, "Anna and I were thinking, maybe you should stay back and help out Kristoff. Besides, remember what you said after the last adventure that we had together? That you wanted a break from them for a while?"

"Hmm, that is true," said the snowman, tapping on his chin, recalling his last adventure, which was their first visit into the Enchanted Forest. "Okay, I'll stay back here in the castle. Besides, Sven promised that he would teach me how to play the lute."

"Come on, Olaf, we both know that Kristoff is the fantastic lute player here," said Kristoff in the voice that he would always use for his best friend.

"Nonsense! Quit being so modest, Sven!" replied the snowman. Anna and Elsa couldn't help but giggle as they saw the look of exasperation on Kristoff's face.

After packing the things that they would need for their journey, the gang was now standing in front of the royal horses, Havski and Fjora. Both Anna and Elsa mounted their horses, and after saying one last goodbye to Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven, they kicked off and rode away, rapidly leaving Arendelle behind.

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