{3} Mud Blood

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It was summer break, finally. Your parents had agreed to let you spend half of it with Draco and his family because Draco insisted on you meeting his parents, his exact words were, "well, they have to meet their future daughter-in-law." 

The huge manor in front of you made you feel intimidated, the dark windows, the huge pillars and trimmed hedges made you feel like you didn't belong there. You lived in a normal muggle home so to see Draco's home in all of it's glory.. well you doubted why he was with you most of the time. 

The metal gates screeched as Draco walked you through them, his hand in yours. You saw in the short distance, his parents standing proudly at the door waiting for you. Your heart rate accelerated like mad, you begged it to slow down but it just wouldn't. You reached them and they greeted you with a kind smile. 

"Mother, Father.. this is Y/n L/n." Draco told them, introducing you. It was crystal clear where Draco got most of his features from. His father was almost like an older duplicate, it was sort of freaky. 

"Pleasure." His mother said, holding her hand out for you to shake kindly. Draco's father didn't say anything to you but nodded his head at you. God, how were you going to live here for three weeks if they continued to be so cold? You scolded yourself, they were being kind enough to let you stay in their home so you tried to put the best fake smile you had. 

"You too, Mr and Mrs Malfoy." You answered them, you saw them give Draco a look which made you panic. Oh god, what did I do wrong? Your palms grew sweaty and you tried to take in more air in a panic that they were judging you. 

They showed you to the room you'd be staying in and then you sat together at the huge dining table, you sat awkwardly. All you wanted to do was be at home if you were being honest with yourself, his parents were lovely to welcome you in but it was pretty clear that they disapproved of you. 

"So, Y/n. What do your parents do in the wizarding world?" Draco's father asked, curiously. A sense of embarrassment flooded through you. Your parents were muggles and didn't do anything too special to be honest. Your mother teached at a primary school and your father worked in a office doing god knows what with numbers. 

"Uh, Y/n's Mom teaches Herbology at school and her father does important work for the ministry." Draco cut in before you could tell them that your parents were muggles. Your eyes widened and you glared at Draco. Draco sent you a look back as if to say "Please, just go with it." 

Draco's family believed in pure blooded wizards and witches to be the most superior, that all others were abominations. Maybe he was embarrassed to have a mud blood girlfriend? You stirred the food on you plate feeling like a piece of shit. His parents continued to ask questions, most of which Draco answered. At last you couldn't take it anymore and excused yourself, storming up to the room they prepared for you and that you wouldn't be sleeping in that night. 

You shoved the things you'd unpacked earlier into your suitcase again and was about to leave out the door when Draco walked in, an apologetic look on their face. "What're you doing, love?" He asked, seeing the suitcase in your hand. 

"Going home to magic parents, who teach at hogwarts and work for the ministry if that's alright with you." You replied, moving to go past him. He moved in front of you and despite your struggles, took the suitcase out of your hand. 

"Love, I'm sorry about that it's just I really want them to like you and its just... " He struggled to get his words out. 

You crossed your arms over your chest, "Why don't I make this easier for you. Date a pure blood. If you didn't want to go through the humiliation of having a muggle born girlfriend, then maybe you should have thought about that before you asked me out. I'm tired of feeling intimidated by your discriminating fucking family, Draco. Get your head out of your superior ass." 

He looked at you shocked by what you had just told him. He sighed, "I'm sorry, you're right. It shouldn't matter whether you're a mud blood or pure blood. I love you either way. Come with me?" He asked, letting go of your suitcase and taking your hand. 

He exited your room and walked down to the dining room where his parents were still sat, like they were waiting for a toddler to return from having a tantrum. "Just thought you'd like to know, Y/n's parents are muggles. It doesn't change the way I feel about her and your opinion won't stop me from being with her." He told them as he walked to face them. A small smile lit up on your face but you tried to hide it, as not to be rude. 

Let's just say, they were not happy. They'd warm up to you... in a few years. 

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