Chapter 10: Dakota

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I run down the path the sounds of G-Eazy. It's a nice jamand I am enjoying the lyrics rapping as I move towards the jetty. Say less,say less... Such great advice.

"Dakota! Dakota!" What the hell? I turn to see Marcus and Islow quickly assessing if he poses a threat. He's got the body of a runner;he's probably in shape, but he has no real skill. I could take him. "Hey! Girlyou can move." I turn back around and start moving again. When we get the jettywe both pause. "Shit!" Marcus laughs, "how long have you been running?"

My whole fucking life. "A few years."

"You're good." Marcus says watching me. "Nina say somethinglast night to upset you?"

"No." Cause she hadn't and I don't really fucking care whatshe thinks.

"Rumor has it you're looking for a paycheck." Marcus sayswatching me his eyes getting serious, he has something to tell me. "Just wantyou to know I like Rivers, he's a good guy. He helped me out when no one elsecared so don't be a bitch." Wow...look at that the power of messaging. Thank you,Nina. But you gotta send a bulldog? So not necessary, didn't I tell you lastnight I wasn't a threat? Your homeboy ain't interested in me anyway.

I take a deep breath and turn around I don't need thisshit. I just need to get through my classes and an hour a day. I turn my musicup and start running again, this time faster so I don't have to worry aboutMarcus catching up to me. My eyes focused on the path in front of me. I've beenon my own for a long ass time. This, this is nothing.

I shower after my afternoon workout, eat, and head to thestupid library again. I'm dressed back in my regular clothes, black tank, blacksweater, and boyfriend jeans. I can't believe I have to do this stupidmentorship program. With some lame ass idiot who thinks he's God's gift towoman and a fucking bitch of a girlfriend who he tries to pawn me off on.

I watch as he gets up from his seat to come and greet me.Like I might run away so he has to escort my ass over to my assigned seat. He'swearing this dark blue t-shirt and green hoodie which is unzipped, his jeansare slouchy and shit, fuck that fuckers wearing another pair of custom shoes.They like Air Jordan's high tops, but all tan leather and are those stars? Morecustom shoes? Guy must be fucking loaded.

"Hey, you made it just on time." Noah says looking at me."I'm sitting with Nina, so we can all hang for the hour." Fuck. My. Life.

I sit down and flip my chair around so I can look at theentrance while I read. This is me not hitting on anyone (as if), this is alsome not engaging with people, this is you watching the entrance. It'sthat too.

Nina giggles behind me at something someone said, but I'mnot paying her any mind. "Dakota where did you graduate from?" She asks allhoney and sweet.Juvie. "I have a GED." I tell the table not looking back. Idon't care what they fucking think. I look back at the entrance. This is stupidno one has come for me. The minute you feel safe, you're fucked. Right,of course, I know that's true.

I spin my pen trying to center myself. I look at the clock55 minutes left. For the rest of the time no one talks to me. If I can get outof assigned seating next that would be perfect. These assholes are too busywith their own fucking lives to bother with mine. Hayden must have her head inthe sand when it comes to this group. I pack up my gear and head out when myhour is over.

Instead of heading to Hayes I walk to the Pier. Every dayis my own secret struggle. A struggle to keep my anger in check. A struggle tokeep my demons at bay. A struggle to pretend I'm normal. Sometimes the struggleis too much. Sometimes I want to stop struggling. Sometimes I want peace. Thewater here is a promise of that peace. No more nightmares, no more forcedquiet, no need to pretend.

Not tonight.

No, not tonight. I step away from the peaceful promise thewater holds and turn walking back to the shore and Hayes Hall.

"Dakota..." Fuck me. Rivers. "What are you doing out here?"

"I took a walk after studying."

He looks back at the Pier and then at me. "You didn't sayyou were leaving."

"I didn't know I had to."

He wasn't even at the table when I left. He watches me fora moment in the light his grey eyes are serious. "You do."

"Okay." P.O. Rivers will do.

"Nina said you declined having breakfast with her."

Wow. That girl doesn't know when to stop. "Did she?"

"I told you to be open to her, so tomorrow morning you'llmeet her for breakfast, 8:30."

"My first class is at 9:00. I have to be there early for acheck-in."

He nods, "I have early classes too. How about we havebreakfast instead? You two can meet for lunch, I'll be around then too, but youcan sit with the girls." And the bullshit just keeps on coming. But honestly,what am I supposed to do in this situation? I have to meet him for breakfastanyway tomorrow and the Bitch Squad as I've so lovingly named them will justignore me when I join them or if Rivers isn't there refuse me a place at theirtable. That Hayes bitch will spin it however she wants to garner favor withRivers here.

I'm not at 'collapse.' If I was, I would have dropped offthe pier and left this life behind. "Fine." I agree.

"I'll take you back to Hayes."

"Please don't." I say quietly walking away. For oncewhatever rules the universe leaves me to myself, because he walks away.

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