↳ Haechan's Confession

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I was sat in my bedroom in the dorm playing games on my computer. Today was our day off, but I also had the rest of the week off, due to the company advising me to because of my anxiety again. I sat by my desk playing the sims when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I shout not looking away from my computer as I finish creating my sim. I hear the door open slightly and then close. I pause the game and turn around to see Donghyuck stood by the door with his back to it.

"Hey." He says awkwardly as I remove my headphones from my ears.
"Hey? You okay?" I ask trying to make the situation less awkward.
"Yeah, I just uh, need to talk to you." He says not moving from his place by the door.
I stand up and walk towards my bed, his eyes watching my every move.
"Why are you being so awkward Donghyuck? You literally come in my room all the time, sit down." I say with a slight laugh as he chuckles slightly too, walking over to my bed and sitting down.

I turn to face him as he looks down at his hands in his lap.
"Come in Donghyuck, you're never this awkward, especially around me. Somethings bothering you isn't it??" I ask as he slowly looks up at me.
"I just, need to tell you something." He says slowly, finally facing me.
"You can tell me anything." I say placing my hand on his shoulder as he flinches slightly.
"I, uh. Okay, May, I like you, a lot. I don't even like you, I love you, and I have forever. That day when you walked into the practice room on your first day, my heart stopped beating, you were beautiful. Then we became best friends, and I thought you only saw me that way. So I didn't confess. But it's been bugging me for so long and I needed to tell you. I have feelings for you May, I love you." He finishes as I sit there in shock. He really felt this way about me?? Since I began training in the company??

I sat there for a while professing the things that had just came out of his mouth.
"I know, this was stupid, just forget it ever happened I'm sorry May." He says as he begins to stand up, I snap out of my trance and stand up with him.
"Wait!" I exclaim as he looks at me.

"You didn't let me answer." I say slowly as he sits down again.
"Donghyuck, to be honest I really like you too, but since we were in the same group, I didn't think anything could happen, and I thought you only saw me as a sister. But, I really do love you too." I reply as he smiles widely at me.
"Really??" He says with a huge smile on his face as I nod.

"Well, I guess I should ask, do you want to be my girlfriend?? Maybe try it out?" He asks as I nod with a smile on my face.
"Of course I will." I say and hug him tightly.

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