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Mew's P.O.V:

The next day I woke up with Nong Gulf next to me.

He was still sleeping so I took a moment to look at his face closely.

Extremely fair skin with pink tinted cheecks.

His thick black curly hair and his big bambi eyes.

And his lips oh my god I can't even stop looking at those gorgeous plump rosy lips.

Speaking of those bambi eyes they were opened widely and staring at me confused and shocked before I was attacked by a pillow.

"What the hell are you looking at? Creep" He asked.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"You caught me I was looking at you" I said.

I resisted the urge to say that he's pretty because I don't want to take any risk.

I mean I have to go to work so it won't be good if I suddenly showed up at my office with a black eye.

"Cut the shit I'm pretty sure I was sleeping on the sofa downstairs how did I end up here?" He asked.

"Simple I carried you the sofa isn't comfortable you know" I said smiling.

He sighed and nodded.

"Don't do that again it's weird... I'm going to make breakfast" He said standing up.

Then he left the room.

My friend Ai Lee called me and said that he's going to take care of my work for the weekend so I can spend more time with my children.

Besides after the fiasco with the press conference I actually decided to take a break.

Nong Gulf was in the kitchen preparing breakfast when I came in.

"Here's the breakfast I should go back home now" He said.

I smiled and nodded.

"Me and the kids are going to the beach do you want to come with us?" I asked.

"Really?...Good luck then...But I'm sorry I can't come...I promised my girlfriend that I'll take her to the beach today" He said putting the plates on the table.

"Ummm...Ok...Have fun" I said.

"Thanks" He said.

Then he went to wake up the kids.

After that he left the house.

Me and the children sat down to eat.

Then we dressed up and I gave the house keeper the week off before we started driving to Hua Hin.

We arrived at about three hours of driving.

I got out of the car taking the bag with me and the children followed me to the condo.

After a few minutes the children were sleeping on the sofa so I decided to take a well deserved nap before we can hit the beach.

(Meanwhile with Gulf)

Gulf's P.O.V:

Me and Ai Puimek arrived at Hua Hin after about three hours of driving.

I borrowed P'Tay's car so I have to make sure it stays in one piece.

It wasn't difficult to convince Ai Puimek's father to let her come with me since me and Ai Puimek have been dating for two years now.

The Boss (MewGulf)Where stories live. Discover now