Fireflies ~ 4

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AN: This is what Yuma looks like. The character I used for him is Houtarou from Hyouka.

He sat still with silk covers wrapped around his body. The sofa was like a cloud beneath his body, enveloping him in its softness. The room around him was painted in a dim layer of quickly receding oranges and reds. The sun was setting, allowing the darkness to return to the room.

The TV was off for a while now—he lost interest in it a few hours back.

Sleep wouldn't come for him that night. The calmness that he needed to feel wasn't there.

He tightened his arms around himself, pulling the covers closer to his body.

Was this how his time in Japan would go by? With him being coped up in his apartment, doing nothing to soothe his own worries? Will he spend the rest of his teenage years there?

Until he was old enough for his father to call him back to France?

He shook his head, a light breath escaping his lips. Who was he kidding? There was no way his father would allow him to join... their business. Now that Kyoya was of age, there was no need for Yuma there. Their father will probably force Yuma to stay in Japan for the rest of his life.

After all, what need would he have of him?

From the corner of his eyes, he watched as the waves slammed against the shore. He never saw the sea back in France. The only thing that he saw were buildings which stretched far into the sky.

Japan wasn't something he was used to, even though he had spent the first four years of his life there. He remembered almost none of it... except... He closed his eyes, willing the unpleasant images away.


Somehow, he found himself outside, walking through the dimly lit streets. He was somewhat hungry and he had remembered to take the credit card he was given.

At least he wouldn't have to worry about money.

It was in that moment, that his stomach decided to rumble. Ah... Of course it did that. He didn't eat anything since he set foot on that plane. But, then came the question: What should he eat?

Thankfully, or perhaps not quite so, his thought process was cut short as another rumble came.

But it didn't come from his stomach.

The ground beneath his feet started shaking, which caused Yuma to take a careful step back.

Really... Must something like that happen the moment he steps foot outside?

It didn't take long for the screams and explosions to erupt. The night sky above him lit up in a flurry of bright reds and oranges and the heat was all that Yuma could feel.

"Villain!" A random person yelled from the side, before the screams got louder and the people on the street started running away, pushing at one another.

Shoulders knocked into shoulders and Yuma found himself being pushed back by hands much bigger than his own. The crowd around him was too big for him to see what was going on, but that didn't stop the dread that racked at the back of his mind. Villain? They were under attack? A real villain was attacking?

Nothing like that had ever happened back in France, at least not in Yuma's presence. Someone stepped on his shoe and he tried to move away, but things just wouldn't go in the way he wanted them to. His backside slammed against the hard pavement and he winced at the sharp pain that went through his palm, "Damn it..." He mumbled out as he slowly raised his palm.

A piece of glass was sticking out of his skin, dark liquid slipping out of the wound.

Great. Just what he needed.

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