The Sports Festival pt.2 ~ 13

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"The second round of the U.A. sports festival first-year stage is... a cavalry battle with the top 42 from the qualifier!" Midnight yelled out, pointing her whip at the giant screen. She explained a point system. The one who got placed no. 42 has the least amount of points and the one who got placed no. 1 has the most amount of points.

The one who got no. 1 was... Midoriya.

And he got ten million points.

Yuma shook his head. That meant that he was going to be everyone's target...

Midnight continued explaining that teams of 2 up to 4 members could be formed. The time limit was 15 minutes and each team was worth the total of its member's points. The riders will be wearing a headband with the total amount of points on their foreheads. The point of the cavalry was to grab as many headbands as possible and to amass the biggest possible number of points until time ran out. Stolen headbands were to be worn from the neck up, which indicated that the more you had, the harder it would be.

So, the whole point of that was to urge students to chase after the headbands with the most points, eh? That's a smart idea.

Attacks that are made for the sole purpose of grounding someone are seen as a cause for a red card, which means that students will be disqualified.

And then they were given 15 minutes to make a team.

Yuma immediately felt eyes on himself, "Great..." He mumbled, taking a small step away from the crowd.

"Ayatsuru." The all familiar voice of Todoroki rang out from behind him.

Somehow, he already expected him to come, "Let me guess... You want to team up?" Yuma slowly turned around and was met with dual-coloured eyes.

"I do." Was Todoroki's blank reply.

Yuma lightly frowned, staring straight at him. Hmm... If he were to say yes, then the chances of passing would increase. Todoroki had a nice quirk, one which was pretty useful in a lot of ways, "Have you already scouted the other members?" Yuma decided to not answer immediately.

"Iida and Yaoyorozu." There he went again, with his blank replies.

Iida was a strong front and Yaoyoruzu had a pretty strong quirk, too. He could see why Todoroki picked the two of them. All he needed was Yuma, "That sounds nice, I accept."

If he were on a strong team like that, getting to the finals would be easy enough.


"I choose you three because I thought it would be the most stable formation," Todoroki said as he stood in front of them, "Ayatsuru, you'll be left wing, keeping the enemy away with your Telekinesis. Yaoyorozu, you'll be the right wing. You're in charge of insulation and assisting with defence and movement. Iida, you'll be in front as the main source of mobility and physical defence."

Iida briefly shifted, "So you will attack and create diversions with ice and fire, then, Todoroki?" He asked.

Hearing that, Todoroki glanced to the side, up at where the onlookers sat, "No. In battle..." he trailed off and Yuma looked at the same direction, seeing that the no. 2 hero, Endeavour, was there, "... I will never use my left." Todoroki finished, clenching his hand.

Oh...? That caught Yuma's interest. Was Todoroki in some sort of disagreement with his father?

How nice.


"All right! You've made your teams, right? I'm not gonna ask if you're ready or not!" Present Mic yelled out, his voice resounding all around the stadium they were in, "Now, let's go! Counting down to the brutal battle royal!"

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