It's been two months without Jasper and I've stayed at the Cullen's house for most of the time but i've also been home. Emmett's been like a big brother, along with Edward. Alice and Rose have been so nice, and for Carlisle and Esme, their like my second parents. I couldn't thank them enough. "Y/N you holding up alright?" Emmett asks knocking on the door. I open up the door. "Yeah i'm okay, I just miss him Em.." He pulls me into a hug. "I know we all do but he's very special to you." I smile up at him. "Yeah you're right, thank you Emmett." He looks at me. "For what?" "For being the best older brother I could ever ask for." He wipes a fake tear. "That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me" I smile. "Let's go eeeaaaatt" He brings me downstairs and I look at the picture of Jasper on the wall. I sigh but keep walking. We get to the table and we sit down. Then I realized something that basically crushed me. Every memory with Jasper runs through my mind and I know Edwards reading my mind. "Ed, it's his birthday today.." I say in my head and Edward comes and hugs me. I hug him. "What's going on?" Carlisle asks. I look down "It's his birthday today.." They all look down. "I just want him back.." I say, tears filling my eyes and I run upstairs back into his room. I lay on the bed and start crying. The rest of the night was Emmett keeping me company while we watched movies. I remember saying goodnight to Emmett but I didn't fall asleep until around 3. I wake up the next morning and I walk downstairs wearing one of Jaspers hoodies and I sit on the couch next to Emmett and he hugs me. "He'll be back soon don't worry y/n" I break down in his arms. "I want him back now" I say with sobs. "Hey Hey Hey it'll be okay" Emmett tried to calm me down. There's a knock on the door and I let Emmett go so he can go answer it. He goes to answer it and calls me over. "Y/N come here" I walk over wiping my eyes and I see this bouquet of roses in front of someone's face.
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"Sorry to keep you waiting Darling" I run over and hug him. "JASPER" I close my eyes and cry into his chest. "Shhhhh" he says. "Where have you been for the past 2 months Jas?! I was worried missed your own birthday..." I pull away from the hug. "I was out of town but i'm back now, I like that hoodie where'd you get it?" He asks smiling. "My boyfriend's closet." I smile and walk inside with him. I put the roses in a vase and walk into the living room. I sit with Jasper and Emmett. "I love you both, Emmett's like my brother and has been there for me. Jasper's well, my mate, but he always know how to cheer me up." They smile and I hug them both. Jasper lays his head on me and I rub his head. I hug Emmett. I hear Carlisle's car meaning they all came back. "Jasper go hide really quick surprise them." He nods and runs upstairs. I fake a cry into Emmett's chest while the others come in. "Still nothing?" Carlisle asks. Emmett shakes his head. I cry harder and I feel Carlisle hugs me along with Rose. I hear Jasper walking down the stairs and I smile. I get up and walk to the bottom of the stairs. I meet Jasper at the bottom of the steps. "Jasper!!" they all yell and come hug him. "How long has he been back?" Esme asks. "About 15 minutes" I tell them. "It's great to be back." Jasper says. "Great to have you back." Carlisle says smiling. After a while of them catching up, Jasper brings me upstairs into his room. "Get it Jasper!!" Emmett yells and Jas chuckles. He kisses me and I kiss him back...let's just say things escalated. The next morning I wake up and I run my fingers across his Battle Scars. I get out of bed and go to walk but instead I limp. "Oh great" I whisper. I grab some clothes and go take a shower. I come back to see Jasper awake. "Morning Jas" I say. "Mornin" he says. "Let's go get something to eat" he nods and gets dressed. We walk down to see Emmett looking at us. "How was last night?" he asked smirking. "Pretty damn great" Jas responds. I smile. "Carry mmeeee I wanna go hunt." Jasper picks me up and he takes me outside. I take this urge to run and I shift into my wolf side which looks like this.
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Jasper looks at me impressed. "Follow me." He says and I follow after him. He takes me into this beautiful flowerbed and tells me to shift back, which I do. He pulls me by the hand and lays in the flowers with me. I cuddle up close to him looking at him starting to sparkle. I hear Carlisle calling for us and we go back. "Hey Carlisle what's up?" We look at him. "Where were you guys?" He asks. "Out hunting why?" "Oh, just making sure you guys were safe." I smile. "Thanks Carlisle." "Oh and, tonight's Bella's party, it'll be around 8." We nod our heads and go back out hunting. We head back and I go upstairs looking for Bella's gift. I find it and wrap it up. Carlisle calls us down and we stand sort of separated but still close. We were all giving bella her gifts she. she gets a paper cut. A drop of blood hits the floor, sending Jasper over the edge. He goes to charges but Edward pushes Bella back, he underestimated his strength and pushes Bella into a table, filled with Glass objects, cause more blood. Edward pushes Jasper sending him flying, hitting the piano. Carlisle and Emmett hold Jasper back when I go over, "Jas, Jas! Shhh" blood. I turn around, "Get Jasper out of here" Emmett and Carlisle take him. I try to stay, "I-I cant i'm sorry" I leave following Jasper. I grab Jasper's hand and take him on a walk away from the house.