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Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up.

 Vega awoke with a ringing sound in her ear and an ache in her head. The floor beneath her felt cold and damp.As her vision cleared so did the room- no not room, more like cell. She tried her best to get up off the floor without stumbling over and succeed.

The smell was what hit her next, the over powering scent of something dead filled the air.It reminded her of the time she found a rat that broke its neck behind her fringe. She tried to fan the smell away with her hands but had no luck.

Vega had seen her fair share of jail cells and none looked like this. The walls looked as if they were made of dry mud and the floor was damp and dusty;there was no bed in sight. The only source of light was a nearby candle outside her cell on a little wooden table. The bars were rusted and yellow.And no windows to tell whether it was night or day.

Her body ached and her eyes burned. What did I drink last night?

"Hello?" Vega yelled. "Officer?"

No answer.

I must have been really drunk...

"What kind of jail cell is this?" She muttered.

"ShutUpShutUpSHUTUP!" shouted a panicked voice. Vega couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman who spoke, but she did know this person was terrified...

"Who's there?" Vega questioned in a hush tone.

"You stupid girl, they'll hear us, then kill us." it shrilled.

It was a woman, her voice was so raspy and shaken with fear. She sounded old. What is an old woman doing in jail? Vega wished she could see her but the cell was beside hers and covered in the thick mud paste.

"Why are we in jail?" Vega continued, not listening to the woman's fearful warning.

"Jail?Jail...You stupid stupid girl," She spat. "we are in the Hunters dungeon!"

Vega leaned against the mud wall and sighed. The woman must be senile

"Okay,what ever you say lady." She mused.

"Don't patronize me, little girl" The woman warned. "These monsters have hunted our kind for years."

"Our kind?"

"Witches! Shifters!Vampires! Dragons! Golem! Fairies! Anything not human-not one of them..." The woman snarled.

Vega was now truly concerned about this woman. She must have went though something truly traumatic to be saying all these crazy things.

"Hello Office! This woman needs help!" Vega called, shaking the bars this time; it made creaking moaning sounds.

Foot steps...

"No...no,no,no,no. You stupid girl, foolish naive girl." the woman cried.

A boy appeared in front of Vega's cell. He looked her over and toke in a breath as if surprised. The boy's flawless face was in all honestly shocked. His mouth seem to just hang there. He must have been maybe fourteen or fifteen years of age only a few years younger than her, yet he wore a sort of army attire. Defiantly a solider.

"Hey, um that lady needs help." Vega said awkwardly pointing to her left at the woman's cell.

He turned his head stiffly to look at the cell beside Vega's, then turned back.

The boy's eyes seem to only grow wider.

"Hello... are you okay?" Vega frowned.

"Y-y-you...How?" The young boy stuttered.The candle light flickered abit reviling small little freckles on the boy's face.

"Look I don't remember anything from last night," Vega went on "and this woman needs medical help."

"There is no woman..." He said sharply taking a step back.

"Yes there is. She was just talking to me" Vega argued, "and why are you looking at me like that?"

"B-because you were DEAD..!" He hissed pulling out a gun and aiming it towards her with the fear of god in his eyes.


Hello I'm empire your Author. 〠〠

So This is the beginning I hope you liked it I know kind of short it will get better ;)! Remember this is unedited Thank You㋛




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