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Vega's heart started to pound but she wasn't scared,the boy in front of her was; she could see it so very clearly. He stood there trembling, pointing the deadly thing in his own defence. To him she was a monster who had come alive from the dead.

"Then there was a mistake." Vega cooed. "The dead don't talk, right?"

He nodded taking in the rational explanation. He slowing put his gun down, then puts it up again midway.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"I don't know." Vega wined, " I woke up in this jail cell.I must have been really drunk last night."

The boy sighed shaking his head. "Fuck, Roger must have mistaken you for the trash."

The boy sounded a bit older.He holstered his gun and pulled out his keys. Vega tried not to be offended.How was I mistaken for trash

"So this isn't a jail cell?" Vega asked dumfolded.

"This is the dead-drop" He chuckled fiddling with the keys. "Dang I lost it."

"The Beta has the spare, I'll be right back, stay here." He commanded.

"Oh ya...I was planing on leaving." Vega chuckled grabbing onto the bars. The boy's upper lip formed a giddy smile then he ran off.

What's a Beta?

"Beware foolish girl Hunters are all animals." warns a familiar raspy voice.

".....The boy said he didn't see you."

"Listen and listen well trust none of them" The woman crooked.

Vega rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Look there has been some kind of miss understanding" Vega assured "This is the dead-drop and we are not dead so we will be out in a second."

The candle had a few more minutes of life before the wax was completely gone. It flickered dimly.

The sound of doors opening echos.

The young boy from before comes to a stop in front of Vega and behind him a slim woman in all black. Even in the dim lighted dungeon she could see the supposed Beta's green eyes; they simmered but not in the way you might think. Those emerald eyes reminded Vega of algae cold, mean algae.

"Yes she does look alive doesn't see." She concluded "but better safe then sorry."

The beta pulls out a gun of her own and shots.The gunshots cracked into the air as loud as thunder but without the raw power of a storm.

Vega had never been shot before, sure she had close calls but never actually came face to face with a bullet. She wasn't sure how to feel or act; so she stood there. Some would say she was emotionless, strong even and they would be dead wrong.Inside was a child crying for her life.

The bullet must have missed because there was no pain and she waited awhile for the pain to come.

"The dead don't bleed." Says the beta coldly;chilling as the breath of death.

The bullet grazed my wrist.

After one more hard gaze the beta shrugged.

"Let her out Sean."She hands the boy a key and walked away; the heel of her shoes makes small clicking clacking sounds.

"Shit I'm so sorry," the boy murmured opening the door.

Vega tired to avoid eye contact. "Why do you keep the dead locked up anyways?"

Sean looked in the direction were the beta left as if to see if the coast was clear." The dead don't always stay died."

His voice was low, like he was telling her some dark secret. Vega jumps out the cell and runs awkwardly to the one beside hers.

The scene was quite unbelievable, shocking really. Her mind was sent reeling, unable to comprehend or process the images it was being sent by her eyes. Vega looked away, then looked back to see if it was still there. It was.

Instead of see a wrinkled old lady they was this... skeleton

It was old with cobwebs protruding in all sections. But you see that wasn't the thing that horrified Vega-the writing.

The writing on the wall.

"Listen and listen well trust none of them -Maya"

It was written in old rusty blood...

"Oh my god." Vega gasped

The boy shoved her towards the exit. " No one should ever have to see that." He said this with so much compassion Vega wanted to cry.

She died in here didn't she?" Vega asked, more to herself then him.

+   +   +   +   +

Vega walked up more than a hundred stairs, her inner thigh started to burn but she payed no attention to it; her mind was reeling with thoughts of the empty talking cell. Maybe I'm just crazy.

"Where exactly are we Sean?" Vega asked almost falling on a step. It was hard to see walking up a dark stairway.  Vega had no idea Virginia had dead-drops and dungeons with dead bodies.

"We're walking up to the surface." He said in a smart ass kind of tone.

Vega rolled her eyes. "Duh I mean where are we?" Vega's wrist began to sting. "and who was that Beta bitch who shot me?"

Sean began to laugh but tried to cover it with a cough.

"Whoa how much did u have to drink last night?" He teased, "Must have been a ton for you to forget both where you live and our Beta (Cough) bitch."

Vega tried to remember what happen last night but nothing came up; blank.

"This is Oasis and the beta bitch goes by the name of Bri."

None of this rung any bells for Vega. Was there a place in Virginia called Oasis? She had no idea.

Sean stops near a wooden door; light beams the the creaks making little rainbows.

Sean's face became more visible.He was a beautiful boy indeed. Blonde curls framed his face perfectly and freckles filled every inch of his cheek. He gave Vega a crocked smile before opening the door.

The sunlight blinded Vega completely; Sean guild her outside.Vega sucked in the air as if nothing had ever been so sweet. Those hours in the tunnel had felt like a years.

When Vega's eyes adjusted to her surroundings she was taken aback. She felt her self falling into Sean's arms.

"What's wrong?" His eyes were the colour of hot cocoa, sprinkled with tiny flecks of gold like mini marshmallows and they were full of concern.

"This isn't Virginia..." She paused looking paste Sean's perfect face. Her eyes widen and her lips run dry in shock. She knew her face was white.

"What's Virginia?" Sean questioned.

Vega simply pointed up at the floating blue plant above.


Hello I'm empire your Author. 〠〠

So This is chapter two I hope you liked it. Vega is really confused now Just wait till NEXT TIME ON INFINITE

  ;)! Remember this is unedited Thank You㋛



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