Death Play

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Meeting lounge

Taehyung pov:

"So there's a new gang trying to dethrone us?"
"Yes, we tried checking for any information but nothing is on the platform, except this letter"Jinwoo said as he handed me a paper.

We want your position, we will fight for it,dont try us,if you want to keep your position meet us at our headquarters, We want to fight your best sniper

"No im not doing this"
"What?But then they'll dethrone us!"Jinwoo
"Im not gonna risk Lisa's safety on this,who knows whether they play fair "
"You realize we aren't officially yet in the gang,and you already wanna be overthrowned?Lisa can handle this,she a monster when killing"Jinwoo


"Ill give you some time to think about it"He said as he left.

I then walked upstairs to Lisa's room.
I knocked on the door but no answer.

"Just come in"Lisa

I opened the door to see pictures of our enemy's stabbed by knives on the wall and cigarettes everywhere

"You need to clean this up"
"I wasn't asking "
"And I dont care"Lisa
"Lisa!Im your older brother you cant talk to me like this!"
"Did you just come in here to yell at me!?!?"Lisa
"Okay..Look...we have a new mission"
"Ooo more killing,what's it about?"Lisa

"No Lisa this time its serious"
"So what?I can kill a whole mafia gang myself,I bet its nothing"Lisa
"Look,There's a new gang who has defeated almost all the mafia's around here,they want to dethrone us so they are asking for our sniper"
"So?That's me,im on it"Lisa

"Lisa I..I dont want you to get hurt,This is much more serious than your kill play"
"I understaaaand,ill be fine,so where do I have to go?"Lisa
"We dont know yet,they said at their headquarters so we're trying to find out where it is"
"Okay then,call me when your done"Lisa

I then left her room.

Lisa is very important to me,we might not be blood related,but we're still family, my only family in fact,She never used to be this cold and stubborn..but ever since our dad died,she became distant,and wasn't easy to get along with

I then just went to my room and took a shower to cool off.

Few hours later

"Got it!"Hoony yelled making everyone turn to him
"You got the location?"
"Yep,ill send it to your phone guys "Hoony

"Okay,Ill get going,anything else you need me to do?"Lisa
"BE CAREFUL, and dont be distracted, there might be some surprises "
"Yeah yeah I know this isnt my first time doing this shit"Lisa
"Okay...God luck.."

Few minutes later

Lisa pov:

I was driving to the destination Hoony sent me.I had my weapons on me and I wore black cardigan pants with a black hoody and a black mask.

Im a skilled sniper,When there's many people around,I kill them immediately but when it's just one person, I torture them..

I wonder how their sniper kills.Is he good?

I finally arrived at the place.It was a dark road wet from all the raining.I stood there waiting for the sniper to come

I wasn't afraid, not even a bit.

I then heard some footsteps behind me.

"Well well well what do we have here?A 'girl' sniper?Now that's strange."

Sexist bitch

"Kill her"

Then I heard a whole lot of people coming towards me as the strange figure walked away.

I knew it was a trick,what do they think I am?A clown?

I pulled out my gun and started shooting everyone while dodging their bullets as well.I ran to them and jumped them down while i stabbed them in the neck with my knife.As I felt people coming behind me,I jumped up and kicked them in the balls.

"Hmm tell your fucking boss that that's what yall get for being sexist,turns out you men have a little weak spot hey?"

I then shot all of them in the head and more people came .

Hah does he want his whole gang to die?

I started shooting again just killing everyone close to me only leaving 3 people left.

I closed my eyes and got my knives out.
They were about to shoot me as I ran but I used my skill of throwing knives and they landed in each of their legs making them fall.

"Time...for the pain"

I walked towards one of them and spat in his face. I then stepped on his injured leg making him yell.I then took my gun and shot him in the face.

I walked towards the next one who has already passed out so I moved to the last one.I wasted no time and shot him in his face.

"That's what you want?That's what you get"

I jumped on my motorbike and drove back home making sure no one was following me.

Jungkook pov:

Hah those fools...
They fell right into my trap...
Guess they'll have to find a new sniper now.

I was interrupted by Yugyeom rushing into my office panting.

"Sh-She k-killed all o-of them!"Yugyeom

No fucking way...

I ran outside only to see half my men laying dead on the floor.

"What the fuck?How?She was out numbered?"
"Well she is the sniper for the highest ranked mafia"Yugyeom
"She cant be that good...

Who is she?"

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