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Next day

Taehyung Pov:

"They should be back by now,we need to go on our new mission."

"Why dont you try calling them?"JB
"I did,Lisa's phone wont even ring and Jungkook isn't picking up"
"Do you know where they went?"JB
"He just said he's gonna take Lisa to a hotel for the night,do you think they're in danger?"
"Im sure they can handle themselves"JB

Jennie Pov:

" Jungkook....What do you need?" I asked as he stood infront of my desk.
"I need to speak to the leaders "Jungkook
"If you dont have an appointment you have to contact Mino or Taehyung"
"I dont have time,and besides, im the sniper,why do I have to make an appointment?"Jungkook

I stood up and put my hands on the tabke.

"Look,Jeon..Jungkook...You already give me bad vibes, so I dont like you,I especially dont like you near my Bestfriend,So If you dont scram,ill call the security !"
"You do know I work here right?"Jungkook
"And you do know I wont hesitate To shoot you with this electric gun right?"

He then scoffed and gave me a dirty look before going upstairs.

I dont know why I just dont like that guy...And I don't like the way he looks at lisa.
Aish these mafia's need to learn some respect.

Lisa pov:

"You've already lost a ton of blood,I suggest you start talking"Jungkook's dad
"Alright,if you say so"Jungkook's dad.

He then took the knife and slit my fingers...All of them ...

"What you gonna do now?Cut them off?Tch"
"You know...Thats a good idea-"Jungkook's dad
"Sir we have another one dead!"

I can always count on Bobby...

"I have my ways"

"Thats it,If you wont talk,maybe your precious brother will after he finds out where you are" Jungkook's dad
"Aww,Little sister being all protective over her big brother?HOW AMATEUR!YOUR NOT EVEN RELATED!" Jungkook's dad

"You know what!?We may not share the same blood!But we are siblings by heart!And legal actions!Your just too dumb to realize that,BECAUSE NO ONE LOVED YOU AND NO ONE EVER WILL!"

He then threw the knife at me causing it to land in my shoulder but not too deep.

But I didn't care.Taehyung is the one person i care about the most in the world.He's the only one who treated me like a normal girl and not judge me,I wont let anyone hurt him.I know he can handle himself, but it just makes me mad...This guy lost his loved ones,now he wants to destroy mine...

He then the basement where I was at.

I need to get out of here..Or else things will get worse...

Jungkook pov:

"Oh Jungkook your back,Where's Lisa?"Taehyung
"In her room,but I need to speak with The leaders"
"No time,we have a new mission,go get packed,we're leaving in 10 minutes"Taehyung said as he pat my shoulder before leaving.

God how many distractions are there gonna be...

Suddenly my phone rang.

"Jungkook,I need you to find out who's killing the girls and kill him"

Lisa probably told someone to take over...

"Okay dad"

End of phone call

I need to gather up my gang...But first..I need to make a plan for Lisa not being here..


Omg I just found another annoying attention seaker

Omg I just found another annoying attention seaker

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And thats on basic Jealousy.
Ps:Dont call yourself a blink when you leave them when they need you.
These videos are the reason Blackpink gets hate and they are already going through a lot with YG.

They can call Blinks toxic but we wont let them bully are queens till they decide to do something to themselves.
Haven't they learnt from Sulli?
She was such a beautiful human being and took her life bcs of people like them.

Please dislike the video and show them we aint up for it.

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