Catching Feelings

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Giorno Giovanna

Giorno watched as both he and Mista got further and further away from the Lagoon 2. (Y/N) was waving bye, a guilty look on their face from earlier. Giorno gave a small smile and a thumbs up to them. He felt his cheeks heat up.

They eventually made it to the shore, causing the fish to return to it's true form. Time passed by. Giorno was waiting at the radio, waiting for something to happen. While waiting, he was letting his mind wander to various places.

Suddenly, his mind wandered to (Y/N). The said individual that was in his mind turned, looking so cute. Giorno felt himself blushing as he covered his face and leaned forward and down. He couldn't get them out of his mind.

He began to question himself. Eventually, all the questions were basically the same; Did he have a crush on the interesting individual? His thoughts were interrupted by someone talking on the radio, asking questions.

Bruno Bucciarati

Bruno went to gather his subordinates from (Y/N) again. Bruno knocked on the door, only to receive no answer. Bruno knocked again, only to be confronted with a grumpy and tired Abbacchio. Abbacchio held his finger up to his lips and allowed the male in.

Bruno walked in, only to see a heart-warming sight. His Gang-Star's were all huddled on the large couch, taking a well deserved nap. (Y/N) was sleeping on one edge, Naracia leaning his body on theirs, then Fugo, Mista, then finally, Giorno.

Bruno smiled at the sight. It was so adorable. Then he noticed how adorable (Y/N) looked. Wait, what? Bruno began to question himself. Did he just think that? Those thoughts were shoved away by his previous thoughts.

They looked so cute, their face blank but obviously showing care whenever Naracia nuzzled close for warmth. His heart thumped quietly and he smiled. He left the room, allowing them to sleep for just a bit longer.

Naracia Ghirga

The gang hid in the turtle on the train ride to Florence. (Y/N) was drinking their (cold drink), reading one of the many books inside Coco Jumbo. They let out a soft sigh then they heard a loud, surprised scream.

They quickly threw down the book, only to see a select few looking old and shriveled. (Y/N) let out a surprised scream and scrambled back. They eventually found out why the select few weren't affected. They were drinking cold beverages.

(Y/N) was close to Naracia, petting his now white hair. They placed their cold beverage against his skin, trying to help. 'I can't lose him.' (Y/N) thought as they looked at him. Then they froze. 'Where did that come from??' They questioned, and looked at the male.

They stayed silent and looked at the male with love in their eyes. They quickly shook their head. They couldn't be falling in love...right?

Leone Abbacchio 

Abbacchio, Giorno, Fugo, and (Y/N) were looking for the key. They shortly arrived to Pompeii and already, it was hell. Abbacchio and (Y/N) were arguing. During the argument, (Y/N) noticed that there was someone in the mirror.

They grew a look of fear and shoved Abbacchio away, as both (Y/N) and Fugo were sucked into the mirror realm. Abbacchio quickly sat up and noticed the missing pair. "Fugo! (Y/N)!" He yelled, looking around for them. Giorno got up and tried to solve this mystery.

Eventually, Abbacchio noticed something. There was a bright gold stand, looking confused and flickering between visibility and invisibility. Giorno noticed this and his eyes widened "T-That's (Y/N)'s stand!" Abbacchio got worried, noticing that it was becoming more and more invisible.

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