Last Stall on the Left

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"Welcome freshmen." said Mr. Bannister as he stood at the front of the class.

"I'm sure you're all bummed to be back in school," Yea no kidding. "WELL SO AM I! 500 words on what you did for summer vacation." screamed Mr. Bannister. Damn, I think he busted my eardrums.

I started to write my paper, but soon got bored. I turned around to my best friend and secret crush, Randy Cunningham. We have been best friends since we were 3 when our parents introduced us. Ever since we have been attached at the hip, but I didn't start developing the crush until 6th grade. It was the first day and I was getting bullied by a group of 8th graders.


I fell to the ground as a big 8th grader pushed me.

We were standing in the middle of the hallway at Norrisville Middle School. 

I looked up at his tall stature and went to stand up and fight but got pushed down again.

"Do everyone a favor and just stay down, ya big baby." he snickered as he high-fived his friends.

He grabbed me and held me up by the collar and shoved me into the locker. I kicked and thrashed but it was no use. I spit in his face and looked at him with a glare.

He wiped it away and said "You're dead." His friends were behind him, egging him on, "Yea clock her, dude!" and " Make her wish she hadn't done that!"

He raised his fist and as I prepared for impact, I heard a voice.

"H-Hey, leave her alone!"

We all looked toward the voice.

It was Randy.

He stood there trying to look confident, but I knew better. He always was shy and I would never expect him to do anything like this. Especially when he knows I can fight my own battles.

The bully dropped me and I fell to the ground with a thud. The bully walked over to Randy as I saw him visibly sink down, confidence disappearing. 

"What are you gonna do about it, pipsqueak?" said the bully.

"I'll take you on myself." said Randy, with a little confidence starting to shine through again.

"Oh really?" questioned the bully. But before Randy could respond, the bully decked him in the gut. I flinched at the sight, concerned for my best friend.

The bully laughed, thinking he had won, but I smiled as I saw Randy kick him in the nuts from his position on the ground.  I laughed as he fell to the ground. His friends surrounded him and picked him up and carrying him off. The bully got in one last word before he was out of sight,  "This isn't over!"

I got up and ran over to Randy, checking to see if he was okay. After a thorough check, I looked down at him. "Thank you," I said. "But you didn't need to do that." 

He slowly sat up and looked me in the eyes.

"I know you can handle yourself Aria, but just couldn't sit by and watch you get hurt." he said.

I looked down as a tiny blush raised to my cheeks. "Huh that's never happened before" I thought.

I slowly hugged him and he hesitated but hugged me back.  He whispered into my ear,

"I'll always have your back."

Flashback Over

Ever since then, I had looked at him in a new light.

My Best Friend is The Ninja (Randy Cunningham x OC)Where stories live. Discover now