Got Stank?

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The big basketball game was tonite and Randy had come up with a way for us to sit in the popular section at the game. It involves Randy only wearing a pair of underwear with full on body paint with the the word GO written on his chest. Meanwhile, I was sporting a blue top with the word CARP and and orange tutu (that didn't really cover my butt too good)with blue tights.  Needless to say, I was not feeling too comfortable and had brought an extra pair of clothes in case this went south.

Right now, me and Randy were standing in the dark behind the school sign talking about the plan. I wasn't feeling to confident about it.

"And how exactly is this supposed to get us seats in the cool section?" I asked skeptically.

"Okay, Trust me, Ari. We go in there like, BOOM! And they'll be all like, "Oh no you didn't!" And we're like, "Oh, yes, we did!" I watched him explain optimistically as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, let's just do it. This stuff is making me feel uncomfortable." I said as I picked up my 2 cans of silly string that I brought.

"You're uncomfortable? Dude, I'm literally naked right now!" He said picking up his 2 air horns, looking at me in disbelief.

"Well that was your decision." I said continuing to walk away.

We soon reached the Gym. "You ready?" Randy asked me. I just nodded my head in response.

I watched as Randy kicked the door open to the Gym, blew his air horns and announced to the everyone, "WHAT IS UP, NORRISVILLE HIIIIIIIIGH!?"

I then stepped up and sprayed my silly string, waiting for the reaction of everyone. It was silent, until Bash yelled out, "DOOOORKS!"

I watched as Randy looked around as if there some other freshmen standing behind us in body paint and a tutu.

"Aww man! They're talking about us!" Said Randy.

"Yea, no duh genius" I told him as we walked toward the bleachers while people started laughing.

I was starting to get a couple of looks from guys as we walked by due to my too short tutu.

"This is exactly why I don't wear dresses." I thought.

I begun to start fidgeting, uncomfortable by their gaze. Randy noticed this and walked behind me to cover me.

As we sat down, I looked at Randy and thanked him. He just smiled in response.

We just sat and watched the rest of the game, still disappointed.

"I don't get it. That incredible display of team spirit was supposed to get us into the Fish Cage." He said as we looked up at where all the popular kids got to sit. We watched as Doug tried to get into the section.

"Only the cool de la cool get to sit there." Randy said. "No freshman has ever gotten in." He finished as he slumped over unhappily.

Then we heard a scream and watched as Doug fell to the ground. Guess he got kicked out of the Fish Cage.

"Nice try, Doug." Randy said.

"Hey-Hey at least we aren't sitting with the marching band. That sections got a splash zone." I said as we looked over and saw all the food and drinks being tossed into the band section.

"Actually it might not be that bad. Free food." I thought.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of a triangle playing very off key and not in time with the band. I looked over and saw Bucky showboating and watched as the Band Director cut him off and kicked him out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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