The bell rings and Dale walks out aggravated Dale walks to his car and opens the door to it. The interior is just the way he wanted it deep black leather with white outlines, the cars inside and outside are in pristine condition, not a tear or scratch can be found, the passenger and back seats still have a the plastic cover over them so protect them from any commuters messes that they may bring. He turns on the engine and the noise echo's throughout the garage the xenon lights come on and bring a better light to the other cars in the lot, he gives a pound of gas and rolls away.
He heads out of the hotel and glides around the streets until he can male his way onto the main road, once there he opens up the engine once more and soars past the others.
The car slowly comes to a stop outside a expensive looking restaurant called "The Exclusive" a valet approaches Dale and asks for the keys to take it round the back, a whole wave of anxiety hits him and he is found dumbfounded. The valets speaks but it is all drowned out in Dales ears as if a million voices are speaking at once. Without noticing his hand swoons forward and the valets notices and tries to take the keys.
In a snap Dale whisks his hand away in a fit of rage -
Dale drops his keys and pushes the man into the wall- He motions backwards and takes his car round the back himself then walks around to the entrance and enters the restaurant.
Why worry
AdventureDale thinks hes the man men want to be, when really he was a fat 20 year old from Colorado who's days were spent playing world of Warcraft and collecting $50 samurai swords