Episode 1, Chapter 1: Signs

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Somewhere in the pentagram, within it's 9 circles, in a hotel for hopeless sinners, Angel is doing his casual thing at the hotel, playing around with fat nuggets, lying around in his room all day, talking with it's 5 inhabitants... lying around all day... holy fuck he was bored as hell. To relieve his boredom he does his most favorite past time to do in all his day, hanging around the bar and flirting it up with Husk. Angel gets some sort of kick outta this, Husk on the other hand is not having it, but is only thing keeping him from flying off the handle was alcohol... wait... scratch that, he hasn't taken a sip at all... in fact, he's staring intently at something. He turns in the direction Husk was looking at and lo and behold, it was the strawberry pimp. Angel was confused, sure they were friends, but he's pretty sure friends don't look at each other that way. After a few minutes of looking at Alastor and back to Husk, Angel starts putting one and two together. Upon piecing together enough information to reach a conclusion, Angel just makes the smuggest face in all of Hell, all in it's ballsy glory directed to that old ass cat. Husk notices the cocky bastard and he speaks up.

"The fuck's the mug for?" Husk asks

"Whatcha starin' at the strawberry pimp for?" Angel fires back

"Try getting a pot of 10,000 ripped from under you." Husk responded.

"That right there was not a glare Husky, that was goo goo eyes." Angel retorted.

Husk was called out and panicked a little, but quickly recovered, "R-Really, did it look like that? Fuck, must've drank too much to use faces correctly..."



Angel points at his bottle, there was signs of a sip, but it was no where near to finishing.

"What? This ain't my first bottle of the day dumbass."

"Usually, your first bottle is always somewhere around 8."

Husk stares at him for a few moments, "How the fuck-"

Angel cuts him off, "Dude, I wake up at 7 and go here first thing in the morning every fucking day for some fun, i'm pretty sure you get here at 8."

"Whatever, fuck off." He swigs the bottle in response.

"I'd prefer you fuck me~"

"Shut up, slut."

"Or... would you fuck Alastor~" Angel says close to his ear.

Husk blushes hard enough that some of it was visible past his gruff fur, he slaps Angel, with little enough force to make him reel back but not hurt.

"Oh struck a cord did I?"

"Shut up, cum dumpster."

"You like him~"

"Shut up!"

"C'mon Husky baby! Hit me with all the slut insults ya got, you can't deny it! You love him~!"

"Angel for fuck sake, quiet down, I don't want him findin' out!

"Find out about what?" Alastor was behind Angel

"Hey red headed hot stuff, Husk-"

Husk covers Angels mouth with one hand and puts him in a choke hold with the other,

"Nothin' Al, Angel just being the cock cravin' sonofabitch he is, eh... how much of that conversation did you hear?" Husk asks, nervously.

"Well my friend, I heard a commotion coming down from here and I decided to check upon it myself, you said you were hiding something from me right? Per chance you may enlighten me." He asks.

Husk seems horrified, and comes up with some random bullshit.

"Fuck, uh, ya got me! Shit, it turns out that, uh, I was planning a surprise party for ya!" Husk pulls out of his ass.

"A surprise party?" Alastor asks, confused.

"Yeah, damn it, me and Niff' was plannin' it out till this dick cozy ratted us out!" Husk tightens his chokehold as he says that.

"Oh, well we could do it regardless, and besides if you wanted to make a party you could've just ask! So what's the party for?" Al asks, with his trademark enthusiasm.

"Uh... celebration of you as one of the reigning demons in all of hell?" Another tidbit he pulls out his ass.

"Hmm, odd, yet appreciated!" He hugs Husk, causing Husk to loosen his chokehold for a moment, long enough for Angel to move around, he swivels in his chair to see Husk's looking like he's in absolute bliss, and... holy shit he's purring. Husk opens his eyes to see Angel extremely gleeful at his current situation, Husk remembering said situation quickly says,


Suddenly he get's up, grabs Angel, runs directly to his room and slams the door, Angel takes a few seconds to process what happened and realizes he's in Husk's room now. He decides to take the opportunity to mess with him some more.

"Oh~ Husker, if you wanted me so badly you could've asked!"

"Listen here insta-ass! No way are you to tell anyone else I have a crush on Al! Especially Al!"

"So it's true? You do have a crush on him?!"

"Yes! So shut the fuck up about it!"

"Holy shit you have a crush on Al! Dude, alright, gimme details I wanna know how it started!"

"First off, fuck off no, second why, in all the people in this hotel, and all the people in Hell in general, would I tell you?"

"Answer to first, I don't give a flying fuck, I got dirt on you now, answer to second, I'm bored as hell, and you look pretty pent up about it, it'd be better to talk about it, eh?"

Husk goes to argue, but weighs his options for a bit, he hesitates, but gives in,

"Fine, fuck it, make good on your deal though, Al and anyone else doesn't have to know shit, got that?."

Angel nods, then Husk sits down on one side of the bed, Angel sitting down on the other, he takes a deep breath and starts telling the story.

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