Episode 1, Chapter 2: Explaination

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"So, uh... where to start... well we met at a bar, we hit it off, and we became friends." Husk summarizes

"Hey dickwad, that ain't a story, delve deeper please!" Angel says in anticipation.

"Fuck you, ok uh, at some point I went into a bar, I think that was like, a few decades ago."

"2019 up there." Angel adds.

"... I'd say 44 years ago then." Husk deduces.

"Wait... when did you die again?" Angel sidetracks

"Somewhere around 1970." Answers Husk.

"Holy shit that's 5 years ago."

"Still a long time."

"Some of us were here for decades, 5 years is lookin' a tad short to me."

"Ok, ok, ya want a story I'm givin' you one, I think I got a handle on it, now shut up."

Husk clears his throat and starts telling the story on how he met Alastor.

[Husk is now the narrator]

So, at some point I went to a bar, it was a pretty shitty day for me so I decided to cope the way I usually do.


A lot of fuckin' alcohol. Just a casual day for me, gambling, alcohol, pool, s'more alcohol, by that point I was pretty fucked up. I was casually sipping my next bottle till I heard the doors opening, and then there he was, the Radio Demon himself, in all his smiley glory. Now, of fuckin' course I know this guy, who doesn't? Almost all of hell knows him, but it was sort of unexpected that he'd enter a shitty joint such as the one I was at. He just walks in, blocks the door with some weird ass tentacles, and walks over to the bar.. Everyone was shitting themselves, and everyone was either on a wall cowering in fear staying as far away from him as possible, or attempting to run away clawing away at the door desperate to escape, but to no avail.

"How'd you react?"

I knew what was gonna happen, he ain't here for a friendly drink, he was gonna slaughter everyone in the room in the most bloody and gruesome ways possible, so, I just said "Fuck it." and just downed the last of my bottle right then and there. Then I waited, waited till the bastard made a small message to his radio show, and start ripping everyone appart to the sound of jazz or something, But... he just went onto a stool next to me and asked,

"Odd. Shouldn't you be cowering in fear along with the rest of the crowd?"

I shot back, "I already know what's gonna happen. Just do it already."

Alastor stares at me for a bit, and then just laughed,

"Blunt, down to business, and fearless! Ha ha! I like the cut of your jib! Care to be friends?" He said while reaching a hand out to me.

And there was no green glow to it like he did with the princess, no, he just reached out for a casual handshake, then I said,

"Fuck it, ain't got nothing better to do."

Then we both walked out, and as we made distance, I heard the distant carnage coming from the bar.


Yeah, the guy just became friends with me outta pity, I don't know why I didn't reject him, but by that time I was fucking wasted and I was open to alot of shit, hell I was drunk enough to probably have sex with ya, so we've been through some shit and here we are now, this hotel and all this bullshit.

"Ok, that's nice, now for the nitty gritty, tell me how ya started getting the hots for em!"

For fucks sake I knew you were gonna ask that, ok fine! It was another fuckin' raid against some dude, I don't remember, all I remember was Niff and I had to join in the fight cause Al' was in a tight spot and he needed help kicking ass, then all 3 of us met up and we started fighting, the fight was long, and hard-

Angel With the Assist (Husk x Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now