Episode 2, Chapter 1: Dawn of a new day

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Announcement: EPISODE 2 FUTHERMUCKERS!!!announcements now included :D, and probably notes after the chapter :P, iunno, what I do know is that this chapter is gonna be a tad spicy at the start. Also, Yakuza 0 is fun, I spend 1 hour and 30 minutes of having my character wank to fill a friendship bar, so... that was my Monday. ;v; Anyways... enjoy this new chapter! And thank you for reading! I dont know how the fuck did this get so many people reading thus far but I did. ._. Thank u ^w^


Husk wakes up groggily to the sound of his door opening, his eyes are still extremely heavy from the fatigue of last night so they remain shut, he tells the sudden intruder whom entered his room unannounced,

"Hey jackass, still sleeping, gimme a damn good reason why you're barging in and maybe-"

Suddenly he feels someone climbing into the bed, he quickly opens his eyes to see who, and to his surprise it's Alastor,

"Fuck Al, scared me shitless, I thought Angel was high again."

Before he knew it Alastor was sitting down on him and his face is right up in his,

"Woah wait Al what the fuck are you-"

He was cut off by Alastor suddenly forcing his lips onto Husks, he was dumbfounded, but it didn't stop there, no, Al kept going, making the kiss deeper and more hot than it had to, entangling his tongue with Husk's. Husk had momentarily lost track of time but he came to his senses and pushed Alastor off, he was extremely flustered, and his face was flushed to the hottest shade of red,

"A-Al what the f- why? H-How?"

Husk stutters, by this point he's malfunctioning, he repeatedly attempts to formulate a question to ask what has gotten over Alastor but to no avail. Al creates a wreck in his train of thought with one singular word,


He looked as aroused as Husk, suddenly his mind was back on track, making him focus on Al entirely. With one heavy gulp he responds,

"O-Ok, w-where do we start?"

Husk feels like he's going insane from the tension in the room, suddenly Al leans in, both breathing heavily from the heat,

"Just sit back and relax," Alastor whispers into his ear, "Let me take care of you, kitty~"

We now cut to Husk making out with his pillow clearly hypnotized in a dream, suddenly Angel opens the door and enters looking at his phone,

"Yo, Husky, Charlie told me to wake you up, we made pan-"

He hears Husk's mumblings and sees before him, Husk making out with his pillow and a suspicious protrusion coming from his blanket. Erection? Check. Making out with pillow? Check. Calling name of love interest? Angel leans in to hear Husk's mumblings,

"A-Al~" Husk says with a little bit of a moan in it

Double fucking check. Husk is definitely having a fucking wet dream of Al, he could handle this 3 ways,
1. Suck his dick, cause he's horny.
2. Wake him up and ruin his fantasy sex.
3. Leave him be.
He weighs his options, and settles with option 2, if he doesn't come down with Husk now, Al will come in and get him himself, and that would be one suck-ass way to confess, because
A: Al doesn't like sex, and it would make this entire situation akward, and,
B: He's been in a few porno's and that kind of plot doesn't sit right with him.
He goes next to Husks bed and stretches a bit, readying himself for what's about to come, he steadies himself, and jumps onto Husk, belly flopping onto his unsuspecting tummy! Husk wakes up instantly, air escaping his lungs at the sudden contact, and he is not happy. Seconds after impact Husk ejects Angel off him, Husk yells angrily at him,

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