Midnight in the Sun

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With each step, the more tired they became. For hours they advanced forward, under the boiling sun. The group got fatigued but no one spoke a word. This resulted in them being restless, troubled, and with bottled up emotions. Everyone was on edge and exhaled at every twig snapping or animal running over their feet. They’d sigh after realizing it was nothing. Each developed their own habit so they wouldn’t go insane from isolation. Being away from society for this long, wasn’t good and socialization is a vital part of living healthily. There was no time to slow down and no time to rest as the number of Hunters lurking in the quiet forest were unknown. 

The forest was young, the trunks spread out and the height of most gave that away. The path was made of undisturbed dirt which meant they were truly alone. They were alone from those who cast them out and those who despised them for being different. The trees brought comfort with the light green leaves and the cool breeze washing over their necks. The music of the birds reminded them of the times of joy and happiness from the classes they spent together. All of that was gone and all they had left was themselves and their skills.

It was the fourth day of travel and they could only tell the distance they had gone by the stars of the night sky. The silence began the previous day when one had an outburst of anger. Words were exchanged and regrets were made. Although they’ve moved on, no one wanted to risk another. This was not the time for the group to split. They were safe together and their skills combined, helped them survive.

Following the river was the easiest thing to do because it gave them both food and a source of water. It was the only way to stay cool and hydrated. They had come across the body of water on the second day when each of their bottles went dry. Whether it was safe enough to drink not, they didn’t have the patience nor the time to find out. 

Their limited resources was due to having to leave in such a hurry. The sudden appearance of the Hunters made them all frantic. While all of their escapes were different, how it started was almost identical; accidentally showing a mysterious power and an eye witness. For whatever reasons this group was after them, they could only guess. Since they never stopped, they couldn’t test their powers and learn to control them. 

The group was made of two pairs. They met a few hours into their journey and agreed to help one another. Trust is still building and although they’ve shared their stories, they still feel like strangers. It was cold, despite it being a hot day. No one looked at another, unless it was to check who was leading. After that, they would zone out once again and go back to the thoughts going through them.
The youngest of the group was the most impatient. His constant exhaling and throwing of sticks was a sign that he was not to be bothered. He was once energetic but the journey had drained him of that. The only things keeping him happy were his hoodie and his best friend. His friend was there for him when he was down. His friend invited him in when everyone else had shut him out. Everyone has a secret but his was the deepest.

What that secret was, still, only Zak knew. He thought about it while lying awake at night and what it meant for him and his future. It could either open more opportunities or close them, painfully, in his face. When the group got to the only place they could be free, he would speak out. It worried Zak that he wouldn’t be able to make it as far because of his own habits. He couldn’t forget the lingering pain down the middle of his back. 

He frowns, looking at the back of his friend’s hoodie. They’ve gotten so far and all of the adventure could be for nothing as the location could not exist or they’d be captured by the Hunters. That haunted his nightmares but luckily for Zak, it hasn’t left him screaming in the middle of the night. That was something he was too used to. He didn’t want his inability to control his fear to give them away. 

Midnight in the Sun (Skeppy, BBH, Spifey, and Zelk)Where stories live. Discover now