Chapter Eleven

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“So, you are the blacksmith to whom I owe my life,” Julien said, gesturing for Thomas to come closer. “Please, sir, approach so I may thank you properly.”

“Apprentice to the blacksmith, Your Highness,” Thomas said bowing his head humbly and staying where he was.

“Please, I cannot see you well where you stand. Sit beside me, so I may get to know something of the man to whom I owe my continued existence.”

Thomas sighed. He hadn’t been looking forward to this, yet the moment was upon him… and so soon after his earlier humiliation with Charlotte. Could his day get worse?

He did as asked and sat down. “Is it even proper for me to sit in your presence?”

“I asked you, that makes it proper. And for God’s sake, man, we are neither one of us at Court now, who cares if it is proper?” Julien extended his good hand toward Thomas. “Let me, please, shake the hand of the man who saved me from certain death in the water.”

Thomas reluctantly, and gently, offered a calloused hand to the man before him. What a contrast Julien’s hand was to his; though the shake, despite Julien’s weakness, was solid enough, it was clear from the softness of his skin and the delicacy of his fingers he had never done a day’s physical labor in his life.

“Thank you, Thomas Vallery, for saving my life. I am indebted to you, and should I be restored as king, I will make it my aim to reward you very handsomely for your bravery and kindness toward me.”

“I require no other reward, sir, than that you return to take the throne so this traitor in Duke’s clothing does not bring more pain to the humble people of your kingdom.”

“Surely there must be something you wish for that I can give to you as reward,” Julien insisted. “Land? Wealth? You shall have both, all your own. Still, more. A man such as yourself needs a proper occupation to keep from going mad from boredom. Your own blacksmith’s shop, perhaps? Unless you wish to undertake the pursuit of another position? The world will be open to you, Thomas, should I return to rule.”

“When you return to rule,” Thomas corrected, worried. “Or do you doubt you will be able?”

“I am at a loss, Thomas. I know not whether anyone save the Queen would be loyal to me in the palace now; it could be that Frederick has everyone under his spell. He is quite charismatic when he chooses to be, and handsome as well. He could talk the people into almost anything and make them believe it was to their benefit, and that is what scares me the most about him. He does not appear the villain he is.”

“Beautiful villains are the most dangerous of all,” Thomas agreed. “But surely his recalling the debts owed to The Crown all at once have not endeared him to the people? At least not the people outside the center of the kingdom?”

“I wish I knew,” Julien replied sadly. “Were there a way to find out, we would be greatly aided in our cause.”

Our cause?” Thomas’s brow lifted. “What are you saying, sir, or is there something you are asking of me?”

“I need your help, Thomas. I will need help of others too, those who can be trusted, as this kind family who took me in can be trusted. Soon, when I am stronger, I will need someone to venture out and take measure of the loyalties of the people. I cannot think of anyone I would trust more than you to aid me. If you are willing.”

“I am no knight, sir, nor spy. I am merely a blacksmith.” Thomas rose from his seat and limped toward the exit. “I wish I could help you, but I am not the man you seek.”

“I believe I have chosen my agent wisely, Thomas, in asking you. Will you not, at least, consider?”

“Why do you trust me so?”

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