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I must give special thanks first and foremost to Jennifer Gracen, for serving in the capacities of proofreader and editor extraordinaire, kindred spirit, and amazing human being. Without your care, time, talent, and incredible generosity, this book could not be what it has become. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I will always be grateful to you, for everything.

Thank you to Team February Grace: Majanka Verstraete, Jennifer Gracen. Thank you to my cover artist Ida Jansson for the Wattpad cover, for your support, time, and astonishing talents. Thank you to Jesse and Adam, and all those who work magic behind the scenes, turning pages of words into beautiful books.

Thank you to J. for making it possible for me to do what I can, when I am able.

Thank you to Wattpad and the wonderful community there, for their kindness and support of my writing.

Thank you to everyone at the Office of Letters and Light, for continual inspiration to keep telling my stories.

...and thank you to each and every reader. Wherever or however you have come to find my book(s), I appreciate your time and interest so much more than I can explain.

I hope there will be more tales to tell you in the future.


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