Chapter Twenty-Three

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“You never told me why you stole Frederick’s horse,” Sir Etienne asked Charlotte, when they slowed in their riding to cross a rocky, active riverbed. The water splashed up, cold against Charlotte’s legs, raising her to a higher level of consciousness.

“Other than to make him angry? Is that not reason enough? And to prevent him the ability to ride the horse he is used to, to catch up to us?” Charlotte asked innocently.

“It is more than that,” Etienne concluded. “Julien asked for him specifically, didn’t he?”

Charlotte said nothing, and in so doing, said it all.

“That is the Julien I remember. Despite any physical alteration, it is clear he is still of the same mind.”

“Again, sir, I believe you will find him a changed man in mind as well as body,” Charlotte said softly, with great sadness. “He has a hole in his heart, I doubt anything can fill it.”

“Hopefully time, and a measure of happiness with a good woman at his side and children at his feet, will heal the wound.”

Charlotte glanced back at Renee now, who was riding along happily behind Thomas on his horse. Thomas looked like he wanted to escape as she tightened her hands around his stomach to hold on.

“I hope he has many measures of happiness,” Charlotte whispered, though her words were lost now to the sound of hooves against the land, as the horses passed through their watery obstacle and were upon solid ground, once more.

* * *

Duke Frederick woke to discover he was on his back and looking up at a familiar set of bedposts. At first a smile crossed his lips, his mind still half in slumber from the medication Charlotte had administered. “Where are you my pretty?” he called, to the woman he imagined had left him in such a state. “Come out of hiding, show me what you really are.”

He looked around the room a second time and realized where he was: somewhere he certainly never would have been invited to spend the night. All at once, the memories came rushing back.

He stumbled to his feet and called for his guards. Fury consumed him, and he howled.

The men broke down the door to the room and he assailed them with questions. “Where have they gone? Where have they gone and what has happened to the Queen?”

“Who, Your Grace? The Queen remains as she will, in her chambers. Her welfare is assured.”

“Not for long,” Frederick growled. “She was to me a mere annoyance to be kept on hand to placate the people. But as soon as I have dealt with the rest of this mess, I shall deal with her.” He briefly explained what had happened and the guard turned pale. A second guard swept the room for any trace of those who may have left the Duke in such a state. Finally, he spoke.

“Your Grace, there is a note here, for you. It’s from the Lady Renee.”

“Bring it,” Frederick commanded, and quickly he read it and laughed. “Took her own life at the thought of marrying me? I don’t believe it.”

“It’s true, Your Grace,” the first guard countered. “Someone drowned in the moat last night and we have been unable to recover the body. It must have been the Lady Renee. No one has seen her since last night.”

“That’s because she left the palace with the rest of them, you idiot!” Frederick bellowed. “Get my horse! A riding party! Tracking dogs! We will find them, wherever they have sojourned!”

“Your Grace, there is more. There was a jailbreak last night, and I fear most of your debtors have gone free…”

“WHAT!” Frederick yelled. “Could things get any worse?”

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