Chapter 35

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(Sorry I'm keep skipping time! Nothing really happens except for what Alison tells you)

*About 10 months later*

I love Troy. But he don't like me in that way. Sadly. Today me and Troy are going to the pictures. I dunno what we are watching. Though. I hope something good. My doorbell rang and i checked myself in the mirror. I was wearing my high waist shorts with a nice white lace flowy top. I had my white vans on with my hair in light waves. I grabbed my phone, money and keys and put them in my pockets and ran to the door. I opened it and Troy appeared. He was wearing a really nice white shirt with skinny jeans and vans. He looked hot. He flashed me his charming smile. I smiled back and closed the door behind me while i walked out. This will be a fun night. "So what are we watching?" I asked. "You're gonna have to wait and see!" He said. I sighed in a funny way and he giggled. We got to the car and he drove us to the pictures. We got out ad walked to the counter. I had to wait far away so i would see or hear what we were watching. We walked in and we sat at the back. The movie started and it was Hunger Games Mocking Jay. I jumped in my seat. I sat on the edge of my seat all through the movie. I heard Troy laughing at me in the background. What?! I love hunger games!!!! The film finished. We got into the car and I couldn't stop talking about it. We got to my house. I undone my seatbelt. I put my hand in the door about to open it but then a hand stopped me from doing so. I looked to my left and i saw Troy leaning all the way over and to me. "Erm yes?" I said. "Can we talk?" He said. I nodded. I turned my body round to face him. He took my hands. "Alison I'm in love with you..."


*Two months later*

Me and Troy? We are great friends. But I've fell for him. Yes I've fell for him. And he fell or me. We told each other we liked each other about two months ago...I KNOW WE ARENT DATING YET! Its crazy. But it's all good. I know he likes me so i feel great. Just knowing that he likes me is okay. Today he is taking me out to a park at night to watch the stars. It's very sweet. It's in 5 hours. My phone buzzed. I looked and it was a email i opened it. "Shit I forgot" i said to myself. I called Troy as quickly as i could. "Troy can you come over? We need to talk" i said shaking. "Erm yeah. I need to talk to you about something as well" he said while ending the call. I paced back and forth when i heard the doorbell. I ran to the door and opened it. Troy had the biggest smile on his face. I didn't. He looked confused. "Come on in" i said. We walked in and sat in the couch. I was fiddling with his fingers. "Erm Troy we need to talk" i said. "I wanna go first..." He said. I was about to say no but he just carried on. "Alisons. Your amazing. Beautiful and just the most fantabulous girl ever. I would go on but that would take me 1 millions years. Anyway. I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He said with the biggest smile on his face. My fake smile dropped. A tear ran down my face. "Troy..." I started. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said it" he said standing up. "No it's not that" He started to walk out. "I'm moving back to California..."He froze. I heard him sniff. He stayed there for a moment. He turned around and wiped his eyes. "For how long?" I heard the sadness in his voice. More tears were flowing out my eyes. "Forever..."


Hey guys sorry for all the skips!! And sorry for the short update!!

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