Chapter 49

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*2 years later*

Me and Trevor live together. We have been for 2 years. Which means i haven't seen any of my old friends for 2 years. I miss them a lot. We have all grown up. I mean I'm 22 now. Which means i have known them (and Trevor) for 4 years.

I dont connect with them anymore. We stopped last year. I dunno why but we did.

Its my birthday today. Trevor surprised me with plane tickets. He wouldn't tell me where though. He covered up my ears and eyes so i couldn't find out. He didn't even let me go to the toilet.

The car stopped. "We are here!" He said. "But dont take you blindfold off. He said. "Okay" i replied. He helped me get out the car. It was quite warm. We stopped walking. I heard a door open and close.

Someone quickly took my blindfold off and i heard multiple voices say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I saw and it was everyone. Lia, jc, ricky, kian, sam, andrea, jenn and rebecca. I screamed and we all went into a group hug.

"Wow this is amazing!!" I said.
"Thank Trevor" jenn said. I turned around and gave trevor a hug. "Thanks!!"i said.
"Its alright"
"So lets get this party started!!!" Kian said turning on some loud music.

I put a disco ball on the table which turns around and flashes out different colours. We closed the curtains and the doors. Full on party. We all danced and sang along to the music. Then i looked around. They have all grown up. Jc is now 26. Ricky is now 26. Trevor is 22. Sam is 22. Kian is 23. Im surprised Jc and Ricky haven't even gotten married yet. Ricky hasn't lost his virginaty yet! And he is 26. Whoosh. Not being mean or anything. Im not saying it is a bad thing.

Hours past and we were still partying. "Everyone can i have your attention please!!!!" I heard Trevor shout while turning the music down.
"Alison" he started. Everyone moved out of way so there was space for us to walk to each other. We walked to the middle.

"Alison Rachel Bick. I have known you for 4 years. I have had my eye on you for 4 years. I have loved you for 4 years. The love i have for you is strong. Too strong to be broken. You loved me back which made me really happy. I would be more happy in the future if..." He got out a velvet box and got on one knee " would marry me" i covered my mouth with my hands.

He jut preposed to me. "Yes!" I said. He stood up and he crashed his lips into mine. Everyone cheered. The kiss felt like forever. We released and Trevor slid the engagement ring on my finger. We kissed again.

"Hip hip!!" I heard someone say.
"Hooray!!" Everyone else said.
"Hip hip!!"
"Hip hip!!"

We released and stared into each others eyes. "I can't believe im getting married!!!" Trevor shouted. We all laughed. Trevor went to the boys and i went to the girls.

All the boys cheered and jumped around and tackled Trevor and all that.

I ran to the girls and we all squealed. They took my hand and looked at the ring.
"How many carrots!!" Jenn said.
"I don't know and i don't care" i said.
"Awe. Thats real love" Andrea said. Then i felt some arms wrap around my waist and someone kiss my cheek.
"Yeah it is" trevor said.

The party ended and the girls went home. Me and Trevor went to his room. He threw me his clothes to wear through the night. I didn't go into the bathroom. I mean we are engaged. Whats the point?

Trevor got dressed into just shorts. I slid in his bed and he jumped beside me. We cuddled. "Night babe" he said kissing my forehead. "Night" i said kissing his cheek. One though kept going through my mind.

I am getting married.
I am getting married.
I am getting married.

I am getting married...


Hey guys!!

I was gonna post this tomorrow but i just couldn't wait for you guys to read it.

Do you know what would be cool!!! A trailer for this fanfic ! 😂 But i am too lazy so if you wanna make one after the christmas special chapter. Go ahead. Send me the link if you do make one !! But it has to be after when you read the next chapter which will be on christmas day.

If you do decide to make one. Send it to me in some way. Maybe by dming it to me on twitter.

Oh and reminds me. I will be following people that follows me. So go follow me for a follow!!

My twitter: @Abi_GGG

If you were wondering. No. This wasn't the surprise. As i said before it will be on christmas day. Which is In two days. And the surprise will be in that chapter.

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Love you all!!

-abbie 😂🎀🎉💄

Stuck In Between (o2l fanfic Trevor Moran  Sam Pottorff  Jc Caylen  Ricky Dillion  Kian Lawley )Where stories live. Discover now