Lead the Way

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Okay, I think I need to assess what the fuck I'm doing right now. I was running away from a fire with Sasha and Pikeman, my two most hated enemies, even if I was starting to warm up to them. I dunno what happened, or why it happened.

So now I'm taking a boat with, both Pikeman and Sasha, and we're just drifting across the lake, talking. Ever since that day, us three went from just respecting each other to somewhat friends. Pikeman's Woodscout group, though he respected them, was too shallow for him to just talk to them. Sasha got tired of hanging out with the same group of people all the time, plus she thought I was cute. I can't reciprocate, but she said she won't really follow up on those feelings since I still have to work on my height and eye circles. All she does is just flirt with me.

So now all three of us are begrudging friends, if that makes any sense. We all bonded over our friends, our tiny squabbles over who is the best leader, and other stuff. Plus, the Woodscouts won't actually try to take over the camp anymore, just bring it down a peg. Maybe destroy a couple tents, throw some rocks at a couple campers besides Nikki and Neil, then leave. I had Sasha agree to not bully Nikki anymore, there would be major consequences if she did that.

So now we just hang out every Saturday and Sunday, sometimes Monday if they've got nothing to do. We do it in secret though, we don't want everyone to freak out over the fact that the leaders of the enemy camps are actually pretty good friends.

"So, Max," Pikeman began, breaking our relaxing silence time (we have that before we start our daily talks), "I heard you have feelings for a special someone at Camp Campbell?"

"OMG! YAS! Spill the tea, Maxie!" Sasha looks overly excited to hear that, but I'm not surprised.

"Okay, before I answer that, what dumbass told you that one?" seriously though, how the fuck did he know? No one talks to Pikeman except-

"Snake did some reconnaissance for our next attack, he found you mumbling to yourself about it." Pikeman explains, fuck I should've known they'd do that.

"So, spill Maxie, who is iiit?" Sasha asks, god that is probably the most white I've ever heard her say anything.

"Don't call me that, Sash."

"Okay, Maxie Waxie, as long as you don't call me that!"

I chuckle, damn she really likes pissing me off.

"Okay...here goes nothing, I guess." Fuck my face is red as hell and my stomach is tying into a very tight knot. How is this so fucking hard? Why can't I just say "I like Nikki!"

"What!?" Pikeman almost falls off the boat.

"Nikk-ayyyy?" Sasha gasps.

Shit, I said that out loud?

"Ahem. You have...interesting taste Max." Pikeman says, he's standing up like a sturdy soldier, but I know he's super shaken up inside.

"Yeah, Nikki's just so...unlady-like. She likes biting and exercises for reasons other than sculpting a perfect bod like mine." Sasha strikes a pose, I think she's trying to impress me? "Or is the amazon bod your kink?"

"Sasha, I'm ten. I don't have a kink."

"Alright, Maxie, sure you don't." Sasha sarcastically remarks. Me and Pikeman chuckle.

"However, I must inquire, why Nicolette?" Pikeman asks. I probably would've punched him for using Nikki's full name if he didn't use everyone else's full name. Besides mine, since we became friends.

"Well, I guess what Sasha said was kinda right." I start "I think Nikki's bod is a good mix of amazon and just plain average. She's not the brightest person I know, but she makes up for it with being sort of...sweet. She's very fun, scheming, and I look forward to every adventure I have with her and Neil."

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