Nikki's Feelings

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"Guys?" I start, "this is something I've been wanting to say ever since I became a trio with you guys..."

I've been feeling very weird around Max. My stomach feels like when I was on my period, but in a sort of tingly feeling. It started all the way back when Max rebelled against Ered, when he took his shirt off and got his tribal tattoos. I was never able to get that image out of my head, and apparently I was the only one who thought he had sweet abs. Because I asked Neil and he said Max looked like the guy who would have sweet abs, but he doesn't.

Even that day with the foreign exchange students. I know Neil felt sad and jealous when we thought Max wanted to be friends with someone else, but...I felt beyond jealous and sad. Like my heart died and got mauled by a wolf.

Ever since that day, I've gotten this tingly feeling around Max. My face goes red a lot and I always get the urge to hug him, which I always do. My face always gets very hot, like someone set my head on fire, but all that is a good feeling. I wanted to talk to Max about it, but something in my head says not to and I get nervous. I did ask Neil but after that he teased me about "like-liking" him. I'm not sure if I do though, so I wanted to ask Nerris and Dolph.

"Yes, Nikki the Brave?" Nerris asks.

"Speaking of Max, I've been having a problem with him..." Nerris and Dolph suddenly look confused and angry.

"Did he hurt you? I vill have mein paint buckets poured on him if he did!"

"And I will unleash a multi-lightning bolt attack on him until my mana runs out!"

"No, no, it's not like that guys!" They tone down, thank goodness. "It's just that I've been feeling weird around him."

Nerris and Dolph lean forward. Oh boy, they're really listening.

"I've been feeling like my heart's banging against my chest, my lower parts are feeling tingly, and I always feel like my face is on fire around around him. Do you guys know what that means?"

Nerris and Dolph look super duper happy right now. What's going on....?

"Nikki, you like-like Max the Orc!" Nerris excitedly says. Wait, was Neil right?

"Yes, you vant to kissy kissy ze Max!" Dolph starts making kiss faces and Nerris playfully smacks Dolph's head. "Sorry!"

"Wow, I have no idea what to say!" I feel so shy right now. Why do I feel so shy? That's Neil's thing! I can't feel shy yet! " do know...get a date with him?" I think I puked in my mouth for saying that.

"You can't." They both say.

"Awww man." I try to look happy and cool with it, but I'm actually sorta bummed. I kinda wanted to date Ma-

"Well, without our help, anyway." Nerris says, oh, well, nevermind. "But question, why do you like Max?"

"He's a jerk, but a lovable one, you know? He doesn't show it, but he cares about all of us a lot, otherwise he wouldn't have saved the camp from Camp Corp! And he wouldn't have said sorry to me after he said we were temporary friends..." I hate remembering that, it hurt my feelings more than any insult that's been hurled at me like a hungry wolf. But I think I know why, now. "But! He's a sweetheart, even when he doesn't like to admit it."

"Awwww, well, Max isn't what I was expecting, but at least it isn't Harrison!" Nerris says, me and Dolph chuckle at that. Harrison is nice, but I like-like Max.

"So ve need to come up with a plan!" Dolph says, I can't wait!

"C'mon! I wanna cause some chaos!" I yell, I'm almost as excited as the first time I tamed a wolf!

"Ok, we just need some paper, Dolph's paint, decorations from town, and to get everyone out of the Mess Hall!" Nerris excitedly lists.

"Uhhh...what?" I'm very confused.

"Aaaaah I see vhat action you plan to take!" Dolph wiggles his eyebrows. I still have no idea what's going on.

" problem." Nerris and Dolph glance at my dirty overalls. "We might need to tell Preston so we can get his costumes."

What are they gonna do?

"But Preston is very loud." Dolph points out "He'll tell everyone, including ze Max."

"He won't," Nerris pulls out some dice "or he gets a twenty-sided ass kicking."

"Guys? What're you going to do?" I ask, they look at me.

"Do you know what'd make a good date for you guys?" Nerris finally replies.

"Does blowing up the Mess Hall count as a date?" I ask. They go silent for a couple seconds.

"S-sure, it's Max after all..." Nerris admits.

"However, by zat logic, zey'd be going on a date all ze time." Dolph says, aw man, I kinda wanted to do that "We need somezing better!"

"What about one of Prestons plays?" Nerris says "It's not exactly a movie date, but it works for now since we have Preston on this."

"Okay, yeah..." I don't think I'd wanna do that, but if it'll work, I guess I'll do it.

"What kind of charm do you think would Max find seductive?" Dolph and I look at Nerris, confused. All three of us are friends 'n all, but even we don't understand her DnD speak.

She sighs "What kind of talk would Max find cute..."

"Lots of cursing and grumpy, maybe. Or maybe cursing and confident. As long as it has cursing." I reply, I dunno if he'd find it cute but-

"Yes, brilliant!" Dolph says.


"So, the plan is, we need to get some costumes and make an outfit for Nikki. Those grungy overalls will diminish your charm stats by -4 points for Max. Then, we need you to talk with more cursing and confidence, so do your Max impression. Theeeeen after that day, you can ask Max on a date to a Preston play! After that, you have to spend loads of time with Max, which will get Dolph enough time for-"

"Can I say zis part, Nerris?" Dolph asks with a smile.


"We vill make decorations in ze Mess Hall and gathzer everyone zhere so zat you can confess your undying love for Max in front of ze entire camp!" Dolph jumps up and down in joy as he says that.


I give a shaky thumbs up and a fake smile, this is going to be hard to go along with. But if I get to date Max out of it...then I guess it's okay!

"Let's go!" I pump my fist in the air, they do the same.

To be continued...

{AAAAND done, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! (I also hope you can read Dolph-speech) And thank you for actually taking the time to read this work-in-progress fanfic entirely. Campe Diem!)

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