{1} Jungkook: Annoying Brat

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Jeon Jungkook. If the name was so much as muttered around you, it was like a bomb was triggered inside you. You loathed him. 

Why? Well for starters he was devilishly handsome, and all the girls fawned over him for it. Including your own girlfriend.   

Then there was the fact that he was filthy rich. So that meant not only the student body loved him, but so did the school board. 

But what got on your nerves the most was that he seemed to take joy in watching you suffer. Around everyone else he was some perfect angel sent from heaven... but to you he was just this annoying brat. 

For example: back in middle school when you first met, he had followed you around and sprayed everything you had touched with a can of Lysol, announcing to everyone that you were an environmental hazard. 

Another time he had sewed anti-theft detectors in your backpack and winter coat... and guess who payed the price for it? You. 

Then there were all those times he would stand over your shoulder and mumble out what you were reading. The time he found your diary was humiliating. 

There were also many times you got pushed down stairs, choked for no reason, and picked on just for existing. 

And the list just continues. Between hacked phones, graffitied desks, stolen property, ect.  It was like he took pleasure in seeing you riled up. Like you were his little pet or something. Then again... with his money, he could literally buy you and make you his lapdog. 

But still. It was aggravating that he could just get away with these things. Just because he was perfect. 

Good grades he didn't have to work for. 

Good looks he was born with. 

An athletic build he was blessed with. 

And gobs of money he inherited. 

It wasn't fair. 

And it made you hate hime even more. 

"Heyy~ (Y/N)~! " 

Your whole body tensed up.

Speak of the devil.  

Jungkook walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your neck, constricting you. 

Between being strangled and trying to pull the  5'10 male off of you, you managed to choke out, 

"Get-The hell-Off of me-Jeon-Jung-Kook." 

He only tightened his grip, making it harder for you to breath. 


Your airways were beginning to constrict and you were beginning to see spots in your vision.

"Hm? I didn't quite here that..." he cooed. 

You were on the verge of tears now.  

 "Oh my! Are you crying?" 

You could hear his voice dripping with false concern as he began to chuckle. 

"Well... if you really want me to let go...What's the magic word~?" He sang in your ear. You were sobbing now. 

"Fuck-You!"you half yelled, half choked out. Then you somehow managed to wriggle your body out of his strong grasp and dashed down the hallway until you made it to the boy's bathroom.  Only when you had locked yourself in a stall, did you finally stop to gasp for air.  

Oh, how he made your blood boil. You slammed your fist into the stall as a stream of profanities left your mouth. Some poor kid who was trying to take a dump or something heard your onslaught and promptly left the bathroom in a panic. 

You noticed this and tried to calm yourself, but you couldn't keep your body from shaking. Jeon Jungkook made your life hell, and you hadn't even done anything to deserve it. 

You couldn't recall a time of ever being cruel. In fact, when you first met you were anything but cruel to him. You had just tried to make a friend and this is what happened. 

Just as you began to calm down, the bell rang signaling it was time to switch over to the next period. You wiped away the tears from your puffy face and gathered your things, walking out into the hallway. 


"I'm telling you, Hyung, he's absolutely ROTTEN."You groaned out to your best friend, Jin, "I honestly can't understand how everyone accepts his behavior." 

Jin looked at you sorrowfully and patted your back. He was probably one of the only people aside from your girlfriend understood your dilemma. 

"I know, it sucks! But do you ever think that maybe the reason people ignore this side of him is because you're the only person he behaves this way to?" Jin was a great friend, but he had always  been very intuitive, and you weren't sure you liked where this was going, 

"I'm telling you, (Y/N), maybe he's just comfortable enough to be his true self around you... you are a really nice person!" 

You propped your elbow up on the table and rested your chin in the palm of your hand. 

"Ugh... I don't know... if he thought I was a nice person wouldn't he not be a total douche to me?" 

Jin nodded thoughtfully and leaned back in his chair, resting his hands behind his head. 

"You have me stumped then, maybe you'll just have to ask him..." 

Just as you were about to tell Jin how ridiculous his idea was, someone piped up from behind you in a chirpy voice you knew all too well, 

"Ask who about what?" 

Jin shrieked and pulled his backpack up to guard himself, you grinned and turned around to peck the intruder on the lips. 

Jin lowered the backpack to find you lip-locked with your girlfriend. 

"Blargh, get a room, you two." your friend groaned, tossing a crumpled piece of paper at your head. 

Your girlfriend giggled in response and kissed the spot where Jin had thrown the paper ball. 

"Sooo~", She said in the same chirpy voice, "Lemme guess, you were talking 'bout Kookie again, huh?" 

Jin and you nodded solemnly. 

"Aww, was he being a big meanie to you today??" She wrapped her hands around your waist and crawled up into your lap. You blushed. She pecks your cheek. You blush even deeper. Jin groans, and then gets up and mumbles about going to throw something away. 

You sigh, and wrap your arms around her waist. 

Maybe life wasn't so bad.

You still had friends, a caring mom, and not to mention a pretty girlfriend. 

And it wasn't like Jungkook was in your life 24/7. Once school was out you could go home and forget about all the cruel things he did to you. 

Yeah. Maybe life wasn't bad at all. 

Annoying Brat!! {Jeon Jungkook x Male!Reader [Highschool AU]}Where stories live. Discover now