{2} Jungkook: Girlfriend Stealer

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After Jin had left, you and your girlfriend began to chat away about whatever was on your minds. Homework assignments, fellow peers, parents, teachers, do's and don'ts. 

You were at ease. It was moments like those you treasured. Just you and your girl, nobody to bother you. 

Granted, there were other people in the room, but as long as they weren't a certain someone, they were of no concern to you. 

Then again, it seems you counted your blessings a little too early.

When you were mid conversation about a interesting new TV show, Jungkook burst into the classroom yelling at someone on his phone. Even an idiot could tell he was pissed. After he yelled a few obscenities at the person on the phone, he hung up and slammed himself into the nearest seat. Immediately when he did so a flock of people magically appeared around him and began to whisper calming words to him, attempting to alleviate whatever pain the troubled teen was feeling.  

As if finally realizing that he wasn't the only person in the room, Jungkook snapped out of whatever trance he was in and went back to his "sweet, old self". 

"I'm fine, really!" He reassured his groupies, "It's just stress from the test today! You know how the history teacher is..." 

There was a murmur of agreement around him. All the girls began to offer their laps up as pillows for him to rest head on. 

Your girlfriend scoffed at them in disgust. 

"Honestly! They're unbelievable! SO willing to offer their bodies up to the first hot guy they meet." She whispered furiously into your ear. 

You only nodded, watching a scene unfold in front of you.

Then suddenly, you realized how your girlfriend had just described Jungkook. The words 'hot guy' echoed in your brain. Something was up. 

One of the girls latched onto his arm, literally pushing herself up onto him. 

"Oh~ poor Kookie! You should just ask to head home early today and get tons of rest!"

Jungkook sweat-dropped, trying to find a way to get away from the girl. 

"Haha, thanks for the concern... but I think I'll manage..."

"Well, as long as you don't push yourself too hard, ok?" She had made no move to detach herself, in fact she had planted herself in his lap. Jungkook looked like he was ready to get up and jump out the window. 

To your amusement, all the girls surrounding him looked like they were ready to pounce on the one girl the moment she left his lap. 

Finding it hilarious, you turned to your girlfriend to comment about it, but noticed she too, was glaring daggers at the girl in Jungkook's lap. The gears were beginning to turn in your head. 

"Unbelievable," You girlfriend muttered "That b*tch is utterly unbelievable." (Chloe, much? ehehe sowwy 。(*^▽^*)ゞ )

Just as she muttered that, Jungkook looked up and noticed the two of you watching him. He looked back at the girl in his lap and frowned. 

He patted her shoulder and mumbled, "Hey, can you move? I think my leg is falling asleep." 

She jumped up immediately and apologized. Your girlfriend, along with all the other girls, let out a sigh of relief. You let out a sigh of exasperation.

Then to your surprise, Jungkook got up and walked over to where you and your girlfriend were sitting. You grimaced. 

When he sat down across from you, your original plan was to just go back to talking to your girlfriend and ignore him, but she didn't seem to have the same intentions as you. 

Annoying Brat!! {Jeon Jungkook x Male!Reader [Highschool AU]}Where stories live. Discover now