{3} Jungkook: Gay

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After running for what felt like forever, your legs eventually gave out. You had to stop to catch your breath anyways. You stopped in front of a wall and leaned against it sliding down slowly.

What the hell did you do in a past life to deserve this?

You tucked up your knees to your chest and rested your head in your hands, letting out a gross sob. It was embarrassing, but fortunately no-one was around to watch you have a mental breakdown in broad-daylight.

While you were still sobbing you heard someone walk up to you, but you made no move to acknowledge them. You just continued crying.

They stood there for a while. You continued to sob uncontrollably. Making no move to even look up at the stranger, it was obvious you weren't going to calm down that easily, so they sighed and sat down next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

This took you by surprise, and you wanted to say something at first but you were too emotionally preoccupied to really say anything so you just rested your head on their shoulder continuing to cry.

The two of you sat like that for a while, the stranger occasionally whispering words of comfort to you. Eventually you calmed down enough to finally speak.

"Thank you..." you muttered, not looking up.

"Of course," they said, pulling a tissue out of their pocket with their free hand, "Here, I figured you could use this..."

They handed the tissue to you, which you gratefully accepted.

"It looks like you're feeling a bit better now?"

You shrugged, wiping your tear stained face with the tissue. They handed you another one.

"Well, I'll stay here as long as you need me to be here." They said, deciding to just hand you the pack of tissues.

You were about to thank them and tell them it wasn't necessary when you dead-panned. Why did their voice sound so familiar?

Realization hitting you, your head shot up to come face to face with the man who was the root of all your troubles.

"Jeon Jungkook, you son of a b*tch." You cursed. Why the hell was he here?

You crawled out of his grasp and scooted a few feet away just for good measure. He made no move to get up, he just sat there and watched you. His face was expressionless.

You pointed a finger at him and shouted through a voice crack, "S-stay there! You hear me!?"

He nodded. You managed to relax a tiny bit.

"Why the hell are you here anyways?" You asked accusingly.

"I was looking for you."

"Why were you looking for me?"

"You seemed upset. 'Figured you need someone to comfort you."

That was obviously a lie. Why would a brat like him want to comfort you? This was getting nowhere. 

"Tch, you don't have to lie to me. I know you get nothing out of comforting me."

"Why would I lie about something as simple as that? Am I not allowed to be nice to you, is that it?" He sounded hurt, but you didn't care. Hadn't he hurt you every single day of your life?

"That not what I meant!" You snapped back at him. "It just seems really odd how someone like you would be nice to me all of a sudden."

"Someone like me, huh?" he said it more so to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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Annoying Brat!! {Jeon Jungkook x Male!Reader [Highschool AU]}Where stories live. Discover now