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The sunset this evening looks so pretty.
I take out my phone to take a picture.
7 missed calls from mum.
I can't take her clinging on to me anymore.

A rusty, mint coloured van drives in the gas station and I can hear loud music coming from it.
I put my phone back and watch as a very tall guy gets out and starts refuelling.

He looks over to me and winks.
I wave back.
His hair is dyed in turquoise and is shaved off on one side.
He looks like a punk or something while I'm here dressed like a whore.
I'm found food for him if he's a rapist.

A girl gets out of the car and talks to him.
Then she gets out a cig.
I feel panic growing inside of me as she starts walking towards me.

Her voice is quit high and girly.
Nothing like I expected it to be at all.
I try to not sound anxious but fail.
"What are you doing out here alone? It gets quite dangerous at night sometimes."
She looks like she's really worried.

"I ran away."
Now she looks buffed.
"Nice! Want to come with us? We're not driving far away."
This is a really bad idea.
I should say no.
They could be sex trafficker or something.
But her smile tells me she is a nice person.

I follow the long haired girl to the car.
Inside is another girl she greets me and it turns out the girl from outside is Chelsea, the other one Kelly and the bloke is Bratt.

The trunk gets opened and Bratt throws in some bottles.
Maybe with alcohol?

"Where are we going?"
I feel very uncomfortable yet strangely familiar with them.
"Do you know the old skatepark?"
"No. I'm new here."
"And already running away?"
Chelsea smirks.

"That's so fucking cool! I like you!"
I laugh sheepishly.
I look over to Kelly who's been listening the entire time.
She's smiling at me.

"I think we're going to be great friends!"
As Kelly speaks these words I feel something inside me.
I haven't made any friends since I've moved here.
So I'm quite happy that I've meat them.
As strange as it is.

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