Chapter 18

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A/N: Short Disclaimer:
This story is the intellectual property of SwtyC_4BTS and bears no resemblance to any other work.


I entered the conference centre to find a smug looking Choi Wonwoo. Fuck! I hate this guy with a passion. It's fucking unfortunate that I'm forced to deal with him on this real estate deal.

"Jeon, it's good to see you again," he smiles sarcastically and shakes my hand.

"Likewise Wonwoo. Let's get this meeting over with. I'm a very busy man as I'm sure you're aware."

He laughed with derision. He was rather a rude person and my patience with him was already wearing thin.

"I've seen how busy you are Jeon," he scoffed. I just glared at him.

"We're here to conduct business, so I suggest, you get on with it," I countered.

He slapped a file on the table and smirked. I wanted to slap that smirk right off his irritating face but I held myself in check. I sat down and opened the file. My eyes went wide. It contained many candid pictures of Seokjin. Some alone, some with me and some with Jimin. The ones with me looked really compromising.

"What the fuck is this Choi? How dare you?!" I thundered, banging the file on the table. I watched as he remained unmoved and unbothered.

"It's just some leverage Jeon. You and your boytoy. I must say, I'm rather intrigued with the arrangement you have with him and especially that my cousin seems to be okay with him being your fucktoy," he mused, seemingly bored.

"You know nothing Choi. Don't presume to understand anything about my husband or myself. And stay the fuck away from Jin. Consider this a last and final warning."

I watched as Wonwoo got up and paced to the window. He's a sneaky bastard so I'm not surprised by his tactics.

"Let's cut a deal Jeon. Pass the plans for the new hotel in Singapore and I'll forget all about your fucktoy. If you don't, maybe your father might be interested in getting a call from me," he threatened, smirking widely.

I was seething but I reigned in my temper. "Jin is not a fucktoy. He is a friend to my husband and myself. Your stupid pictures prove nothing. Go ahead, call my father. I don't give a fuck!" I had called his bluff but I didn't yet realise the lengths he would go through to get what he wanted.

He laughed sardonically. "Let's compromise Jeon. Give me one night with Jin and I'll forget the existence of these pictures. You won't even have to pass the plans. Just one night. Come on Jeon. You can't deny me a good fuck like him. I bet he's fucking fantastic in bed."

The punch came out of nowhere. I couldn't control myself any longer, not when he was speaking that way about my Jinnie. He wailed in pain and writhed on the floor, blood oozing from his nose. I think I broke it. Good. He deserved it.

Just then my husband walked in and took in the scene. My bloody fist and Wonwoo on the ground spoke for itself. He rushed to Wonwoo, who looked like his nose was definitely broken. "Jeon! What the hell is going on here?"

I refused to answer him. Wonwoo whimpered, got back on his feet and tried playing the victim. "He bwoke my nwose Jiwin," he whined like a bitch. I just scoffed and flexed my knuckles.

My husband's gaze fell on the pictures and he was quite quick-witted to realise what had gone down. He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded my head.

"What the fuck Wonwoo!?" My husband screamed and punched Wonwoo again. He was about to kick him when I backhugged him to get him away from his cousin.

"He's not worth it Park! Fuck him!"

"If you even try to come near us or Jin, I promise you, I'll fucking kill you!" My husband screamed.

Wonwoo held a cloth to his broken, bleeding nose and rushed out of the office.

"Park, calm down baby. He's gone. Don't let him get to you." I cooed at my husband, massaging his shoulders firmly.

"I'll kill him Jeon. How dare he do this? Not to our Jin. I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to him Jeon. Promise me, you'll always protect him."

I gazed into his deep, hazel brown eyes lovingly. "I promise you my love, nothing will ever hurt our Seokjin. I'll kill for him. I promise you. I love you Park. I love you." I kissed him feverishly and he responded with equal fire. I held onto him tightly and deepened the kiss. My amazing, beautiful husband. I would do anything for him. He knew that.


Slight mature content ahead

"I love you Jeon. I love you so much," he moaned against my lips and I lost all sense of propriety as I took him lustfully against the conference table. Riding high on our adrenaline rush, he ejaculated violently as I thrusted deep into him. It was a primal need, a suppressed want that we were denying each other. As I spread him wider, and pushed myself in further, I knew without a doubt, that this man was truly my love, my husband, Jeon Jimin.


I kissed him lovingly and cleaned us up before making our way back to our suite. He smiled shyly at me and I winked at him mischievously as we entered our suite. Jin was dancing in the kitchenette, making a sandwich for himself. I excused myself to take a shower as Jimin took over the prep.

Later, as we all sat watching a movie together, I spoke to my husband about getting us a house to rent temporarily. He agreed and I smiled happily, stroking Jin's hair lovingly as he dozed off to sleep.

"He really is lovely, isn't he Jeon?"

"He is. He's beautiful Park."

"I can see why you love him Jeon. I love him too. He's our greatest blessing. We'll never let anyone hurt him ever."

"Never Park. No one will ever hurt him."

I carried our Jin up to his room and placed him gently on the bed. I kissed my husband goodnight and got under the covers, spooning Jin. He sighed deeply in his slumber. I smiled happily and closed my eyes, falling into dreamland.



I hope you guys enjoyed my little taste of jinminkook 😉😉

Thank you for over 6K reads 💖

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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