Modeling for an Asshat

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(Chapter art is mine)

Josuke's pov

I glare at myself in the mirror, intensely focused on my comb. Every hair must be in place. I add some gel to a runaway strand.

"There we go, perfect as always!"

I give myself a second to admire my reflection before getting ready to go. Grabbing a packaged sweet bun off the counter, I kiss my mom goodbye before leaving.

A beautiful summer sun is up in the sky warming up all of Morioh. I check my watch as I walk down the street.

"Looks like I'm going to be late, oh well!" I chuckle.
I wasn't planning on showing up on time to Rohan's anyways. Half out of fear, and half of just wanting to get on his nerve.

"Ever since we played that game and his house caught fire he has been staring me down like a hawk." I rub the back of my neck.

Koichi told me that Rohan wanted to me to show up at his house at 8:45. When I asked why Koichi just shrugged and said he had to go eat lunch with his girlfriend.

I sigh loudly as I approach Rohan's house. Its 9:30 now. He's gonna be pissed.

I step up to his door and reach for the door bell, but before I can ring it, he throws open the door (nearly knocking me over) and stands with his arms crossed.

"Hey watch it!" I say catching my balance with my left foot.

He just makes a huffing noise and starts staring me down.

"So are you going to tell me why you called me over or are you just going to look at me?" I say, averting my eyes under the weight of his gaze.

"Tch." He gestures for me to come inside.

He closes the door behind me once I enter.

"Although I have no way of proving it, I know you were cheating."

"Not this again!" Sweat pricks on the back of my neck. Is he going to make me pay him or something!?

"Listen." He says sharply. "I didn't ask you here to pick a fight. I actually asked you here to repay me."

"Repay you!?" I blurt out, and he holds his hand up to silence me.

"I know it wasn't directly your fault that my home is in disrepair;however, you did play a part. I'm not asking you for money, I have plenty."

Thank god

"-but I do want you to do something for me."

"What?" I ask, tensing up.

His icy glare sends a shiver down my spine.

"I want you to model for me."


"I need to work on a new character I have added. He is a lumbering oaf that has a muscular build, and I thought you were perfect for the job."

"You bastard, wait you think I'm ripped?" My anger quickly subsides from his jab at me, as I found another thing to tease him about.

Rohan's composure immediately falls apart as he quickly turns to the ground. I'm surprised to see a faint blush highlighting his face, but I dont let it distract me.

"That's besides the point. Now, are you going to model for me or not?" He tries to steady himself after his slip up.

"All right. To be completely honest I do feel bad about your house." I say, trying to be sincere with him.

Pretty Boy Josuke (Josuhan)Where stories live. Discover now