tree time

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Chapter art mine miiiiinneee

Rohans POV

After my rather harrowing escape from Josukes mom (which now that I think about it, I would've been fine, Pompadour just wanted to save his own skin) we were having a surprisingly peaceful walk.

After he joked about me paying him millions of yen, we settled on a simpler exchange for his model work. Everytime he comes over I'd have to fix him a meal. I do pride myself on my experience in the kitchen, but when I mentioned it, Josuke had laughed and said "As if! I'd pay to see you make anything edible." I nearly punched him.

Now, we are just strolling around the different vendors the small outdoor market has to offer. I glance at Josuke, a tad suspiciously. He is grinning. Either he is going to say something stupid or do something stupid. I follow his gaze to a tree with low hanging branches across from the market. He is going to do something stupid.

"Hey Rohan, you ever climb a tree?" He asks, eyes shining with mischief.

"No, and I dont plan to." I snap, but I still follow him over to it.

He pouts for a second, before suddenly breaking into a huge smile.

This can't be good.

"Don't worry you won't have to climb at all!" He announces.

"Ah!!" I gasp as he throws me over his shoulder and heads closer to the tree.

"Put me down right now Josuke!" I say, pounding my fists into his back. But it was too late. He had summoned Crazy Diamond and used it to help him climb to some of the lower branches. He sets me down on a limb across from him, a big cheesy grin on his face.

I see some onlookers laughing, and my face heats up.

"You're a jerk." I grumble, avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, that's not nice!" He pouts again.

I sigh. His reaction is like I just kicked a puppy.
"Next time, ask before you pick me up, it startled me, that's all." Even in surprised by the softer tone my voice took.

"All right, I will." He promises.

Good, Rohan, set boundaries. I think to myself.

I can't help but smile a bit at this scene. Josuke, leaning against the tree, one leg up on the branch, the other dangling off the edge. Leaves fluttering around in the summer wind.

"I'm going to draw you, don't move." I instruct, rapidly slinging my sketchbook from over my shoulder.

He just nods, and let's his eyes drift close, seemingly enjoying the calming atmosphere.

If I were a stranger to him, I would say he looked stunning, and very friendly, despite his hair cut. And I guess its true, but he can be so annoying sometimes! I grit my teeth as I sketch out his torso.
And how is he so fit!
It took me ages to tone myself like this, and here is, just graduated from high school, with a perfectly muscular build!!! Curse that stupid Joestar DNA.

And his stupid blue-yellow eyes.

His stupid tank top.

His stupid smirk when he's trying to pull one over on me.

I angrily sketch the legs, my strokes harsh against the paper, leaving lines that would be almost impossible to erase.

I glare up at my model, and see him basking in the sun, eyes closed.

He looks so peaceful.
A small smile escapes me at seeing him in a more calm state, instead of his usual dumbassery. 

His jawline is rather defined. He is attractive, despite his many flaws and his weird fashion.

I feel my face heat up as I eye his chest.
I wonder if he has a six pack?

"Aren't you supposed to drawing, Sensei?"

I look up, startled, and see Josuke side eyeing me and grinning.

"I was taking a break!" I snap, and hurriedly turn my attention back to my half sketched out piece.

"A break to stare at me?" He teases

"Well I am drawing you!" I say, trying to defend myself.

He pauses, "Well I dont mind, lifts my confidence when someone looks at me as hungrily as you were."

"I WhAt!?" I stutter out

"You were drooling a little bit." He says, tapping his chin and laughing.

"I wasn't and you know it!"

"Uh, I can only tell the truth Rohan sensei, you saw to that." He says in a lilting tone.

I can't even look up from my notebook now, my face is burning. I hear Josuke move around a bit and I straighten up.

"Don't move from that spot i still need to-" but I stop as I watch Josuke scooch onto the edge of his branch, facing me.

"You're blushing an awful lot today Sensei." He says in a hushed tone. "I think I like seeing you all flustered."

I can't look away from him, his gaze is so intense, and the sunlight is hitting him just right so that is eyes are practically glowing.

"What does that even mean, Josuke?" I say

"Im not sure."

We are greeted b u a tense silence. My heart is beating so fast, I'm worried he will hear it.

"Let's go to your house. I'd rather model there, this tree is uncomfortable." He says eventually.


The whole walk back, there is that same tension between us, and its almost palpable. Its like we are magnets, but im not sure where my polarity is at. Do I want to get closer to him? Or farther away?

Sorry for the long ass waiting time. I'm not going to make excuses, I only write when I'm supposed to be asleep. Please accept this 4 night chapter and be satisfied for another month you goblins.
Ironically I started this fic because I wanted to create a regularly updated Josuhan but I guess that just won't exist lol

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