Chapter 22

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I have been mentioning in all of my stories but please be careful when it comes to this virus. I hope that all of you are well! I love you! Enjoy this chapter!

I looked at Matthew, who looked a but startled. When he saw me, he gave me a warm smile which made the butterflies in my stomach explode all over again.

Was it able for me to fall in love this fast? Could I be falling for him? I knew that I was. I didn't need to ask myself this. I knew that I started to fall... hard.

"Hey." He said with his heavy but so reassuring voice. I smiled. I was still a bit sleepy but it was better... than before. I felt less tired. I actually felt like I was able to do something.

"Hey." I said as I started to walk towards him. I sat down on the couch next to him. He still kept on staring at me without really saying anything.

I would say that it was weird but it was honestly like I have known him for so long. My eyes railed over to his phone and I could see that he just hung up on Dominic. Poor him...

"To who were you talking?" I asked, just to make a conversation. Matthew sighed and put his phone up, showing me Dominic's name.

"I think he is way more excited than I was." He said and I laughed softly. I would have took it as an offence but knowing Dominic. He is real pain in the ass but I am sure a good friend.

Better friends than I have ever made.

"Don't get me wrong. I am excited and happy that you are here." Matthew quickly said after he realised what he just had said and how it could have came over to me. I laughed softly.

"I know. Don't worry." I said with a smile. I let my hand rest on his to make him feel reassured. He looked at our hands touching and I could see as if he wanted to say something.

I awkwardly laughed softly and moved my hand away from his. I don't want to rush things but most of all, I don't want to break our friendship. He might not feel the same way as I do.

I don't want to lose him as a friend. I don't want to lose him at all.

"I have to talk to you though." Matthew said and now he sounded a bit more serious. It made me feel worried. I looked at him a bit more worried and I started to feel nervous.

"Did I lose my job already?" I asked careful. I was trying to settle down in New York and it would be a wish coming true to be always with him but I felt like it was too good to be true.

When things sound too good, something bad usually happens... It always does.

"No... no." Matthew said quickly with a small smile.

"Believe me. You have got nothing to worry about when it comes to your job." He reassured me and I smiled awkwardly. Why do I always embarrass myself?

"It's just the internet. The fans." He said and it looked like he was unsure how to say this to me.

"A lot of people are escalating some stuff and they have been writing hate comments underneath posts of you and mine." Matthew said and I could hear from his voice how carefully he was telling me as if I was going to break.

"But I don't want you to listen to those or even give your precious time reading them." Matthew said as he came a bit closer and held my hand tighter.

Our hands were touching quite often...

"It's fine." I said softly. I have gone through a lot when it comes to my life and I knew that getting involved with Matthew would mean some hate from others.

"Are you sure? It is not something to take lightly. People are cruel when they get jealous." He said as he was looking at me. I looked at him with a smile around my lips.

"Believe me. It is okay." I said and Matthew smiled.

"What do you want to do?" He asked and I looked around. The day seems like it was about to end.

"Do you have a park nearby?" I asked and he nodded.

"You want to go for a walk?" He asked and I nodded. Both of us got up and I put my jacket on. I saw Matthew disappearing and then appearing with a jacket on him.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he looked at me. At that moment, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Matthew's messy hair with his old jacket around his shoulders. His beautiful eyes and his warm smile he always carried with him.

I wasn't falling anymore. I already fell. I fell in love with him...

I am so doomed...

"Aurora?" I heard Matthew ask. I jumped slightly out of my deep thoughts.

"I am sorry." I said quickly as we started both to leave his house. His house looked massive and honestly, it looked so cosy.

You wouldn't even say that someone famous was living in here. Matthew really has just a normal life with normal things like any other human being, just like me.

We walked through the car park and I could already see the lights that made New York shine. The city that never sleeps. It was true. It never does. A lot of people were still roaming around. We walked for a bit and reached the local park.

It was dark but lanterns made the path in park visible. We walked through the park and I smiled.

"I love nature. It is so beautiful." I said and Matthew looked at me.

"So are you." He said. I looked at him and smiled. My eyes railed up to the sky where I saw a star falling.

"Oh my god! The star is falling!" I shouted. I could see Matthew jump slightly. I actually just scared him.

"Gosh, you fight demons and you already get scared when a girl shouts." I said as I laughed. Matthew laughed and shook his head.

"Hey, that guy is Alec Lightwood not Matthew Daddario." He said and I laughed softly as I shook my head.

"Did you make your wish?" He asked and I looked at him.

I wish you could be mine...

"Yes." I said with a smile.

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