Chapter 14

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[Welcome back to a new chapter! I hope that all of you are enjoying your day! I don't know if the chapter is coming out today (02/10/19) because I am not even sure if I can finish it... I am currently writing it in my break so yeah! Hahah! Make sure to vote and comment!]


Nervously, I looked at my phone screen. Matt's name was still popping up and I had no idea what to do. My hands felt like they were frozen and they were slightly shaking.

I wanted to pick up and hear his voice but on the other hand, I was afraid that it was going to be awkward... We didn't speak for almost a week...

Before whoever was calling me from his phone was going to hang up, I quickly picked up.

"Hello?" I heard a British accent ask. I knew that it was Dominic.

"Give me the phone." I heard someone say and that voice was just like Alec Lightwood's. This was Matthew.



"Okay! Okay! Sjeezs!" I heard Dominic say and I laughed softly. I knew that Matthew was fighting with him. I just knew it.

"Hey..." He said. His voice was much softer now and it did not even sound like the guy that was just arguing with Dominic.

"Hey..." I said and my voice cracked a bit. I felt already ashamed and I rolled my eyes at myself. Why was I so awkward all the time? What was wrong with me?

"Your voice is cute." He said and I laughed softly. I was sitting down on my bed as I was playing with the corner of my bedsheet. Don't ask me why I am a weird person when I become nervous.

"Thank you. Yours is just like Alec's." I joked and Matthew laughed. My heart warmed when he laughed. It sounded like peace in my ears. Something that I could listen to forever and still not get bored of it.

"Really? I have no idea who that is." He said and I laughed again. My smile didn't seem to fade away and my nervousness was exchanged with excitement.

"Listen... Aurora..." Matthew said. His jokey voice of tone had disappeared and the serious one came in. I already felt a bit anxious, not knowing how I should respond back if it was something bad...

Something like he never wanted to talk to me again...

"I am so sorry... My ex... She is complicated... I don't know why she is after me... She is the one that cheated on me in the first place and now she is trying to get involved in my life again." I heard Matthew say and somehow, I knew that he was telling me the truth.

His voice sounded like he was tired of it and to be honest if Julian would try that, I would be annoyed too.

"Matt, it is really okay." I said and I meant it... Maybe I should have tried to listen to what he was going to say because the few days not talking to him were the worst.

"No, it's not... I know Julian broke your heart and I don't want to give you reasons to not trust me." He said and I smiled.

"You are a real gentleman, Matthew." I said and I meant it. I loved how respectful he was towards women. Not a lot of guys do anymore...

Matthew laughed again and I felt my heart jump slightly. I felt this happiness inside of me when he laughed and it was crazy... How was this even possible? I had never met him but I still felt like I was so deeply in love with him...

What? No.

I can't. He is not. I am not. No, Aurora. Stop.

I rolled my eyes at myself. I never had a sister but the few times that I got annoyed by myself just because of my thoughts already felt like a typical annoying sister.

"I like that idea." He said and I could sense that he was smiling. His voice was deep but not too deep. He sounded like a happy person. Enthusiastic.

"Did you already move?" Matthew asked and I looked up to the countless boxes that were still at the corner of my room.

I sighed.

"No, the house I thought I could get bailed on me and if I don't find a house in what? In two weeks. I will be homeless." I said and I guess Matthew could hear how annoyed I was.

"Why don't you move to New York?" Matthew asked and I thought for a second that he was joking around. I laughed.

"I am serious." Matthew said and now I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"Moving to New York City is almost moving to a different country... My job is here... my friends and family." I said.

"And Julian." Matthew added and I frowned.

"What?" I asked a bit confused.

"I can help you. I can help you get a job here and a house." He said and I smiled.

"It is a beautiful dream." I said and Matthew laughed.

"And you can meet me." Matthew said and I laughed softly.

"A dream come true." I said and Matthew laughed.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded but then realized that he couldn't see me.

"Yes." I said and Matthew chuckled softly.

"Okay."  I said.

"Okay?" Matthew asked confused.

"I will move to New York." I said and I could tell that he was confused.

"What! Really?" He asked and shouted a bit. I laughed again.

"Yes. You better find me a job and a apartment." I said and Matthew laughed.

"I will start looking now." He said.

[MAURORA IS RISING!!! WHAAAT! Make sure to vote and comment!]

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