two days to long

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                                 Its been a long time scene I have seen sunlight or the sky or..... my family.  I have know idea how long I have been gone but it felt like forever. the tall man in black and white took my watch, he said he wanted to sell it, which I thought was unfair, it had my full name engraved on the back of the small clock, It was mine. of coarse I was not in a good state of health to say anything. 

                                  I shook in fear and pain up against the pule I was tied to, gag still keeping me from screaming in pain your for help. my blood ran down my arm most of it was dry. My head hurt from when the Tall man was hitting it against the cement that the ground was made of. 

                                 If only I didn't let go, I wish I didn't let go, I thought to myself. I can't seem to forgive myself for my mistake. I heard a voice, it was the voice of the tall man in black and white

                               "Awh," he started "don't you look adorable when you have a gag on, as well as you being tied up, you just look to cute to leave here alone." the tall man said, pulling out a camera and taking pictures of me. "I thought I should be a bit kind to your family and send them some picture of you, after all they will not leave the police alone until they find some kind a evidence that your alive and all, it has been 2 days. they might think your dead" He said taking another picture of me.

                              2 days!?! I could have sworn that is has only been a few hours. I glared at the tall man, I never asked for this, and life is playing a really awful game on me.

                                the tall man went over to the computer and put the images of me in. I groaned at him, I didn't like him. 

                                "oh don't give me that cutie. your family will know your fine in a matter of seconds now. Oh, and while I'm here" he picked up a remote and pressed something on it

                                "MMmhMmH!" electricity was pulsing through my body at a low volume, but it still hurt really bad. It was coming from the pule I was tied to. I gagged at the pain but not much sound escaped my mouth. I squirmed and jolted as the volume heightens. I just then realize that he was holding up his phone, and he walked over to me a took the gag off. "T-t-tu-turn i-it of-f" I yelled in pain as he turned it up, not listening to what I had just said. I opened my mouth so I could scream out for help, but he put the gag back in. so all that you could hear was "HmFFmmh" 

                                 "aw~ does that hurt cutie?" He asked still holding his phone up. "Don't worry, your family will know what is going on with you in a few minute. After all, I know someone who has your family's number, and I can send this to him" he said. turning up the volume a bit more.

                                   at this point I was crying, I don't ever cry but the pain was to much that I started gagging up blood, but the blood only dripped out of  the corner of my mouth because of the gag that was in my mouth. then I sigh of relief went over me as he turned off the electricity. My breathing was slow, I didn't have enough strength to breath properly. 

                                    "and" the tall man said "send~" he put the phone down and walked over to me and started to kiss my neck. he grabbed my hair and pulled my head in the opposite direction to give him more room. 

                                     he kissed up and down my neck. I cried a bit more as he bit into my neck and licked off the small drops of blood. he was starting to pull harder on my hair, and with that, he bit me again and cleaned of the blood with his tongue.

                                       the tall man phone started to ring. he growled and got up to answer it. the person was calling on voice call "Oh look." the tall man waved the phone in front of my face. "it's your dear Thomas, oh I have chills running down my back" the tall man answers the phone. just to hear

                                          "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LOGAN?!" Thomas was yelling through the phone in anger, or at least that is what I heard. 

                                            "oh, calm down Thomas," he said putting  the phone back to his ear. "hes fine, tell me how did you manege to have such a cute member of your family but not let the world about him" He said teasing Thomas. 

                                             "he's fine. HE'S FINE!?" Thomas raged as he repeated the words. "I just watched a video of you electrocuting him!" Thomas sounded like he was close to tears. 

                                                "if you want I can let you see him, meat me at ******** **** at 11:30 pm tonight and I'll let you see your dear boy" the tall man didn't let Thomas respond, he hung up on him and put his phone back down. 

                                                I clenched my fist, not trusting that he wont hurt Thomas. I stopped clenching my fist in pain, the rope was tight and I had been fighting against it for the last 2 days and you could see the blood on my wrist. It hurt, everything hurt. I didn't even care anymore that was not the age that I should be, I just wanted to go home, whether or not I get called names and get ignored, I wan't to go home. 

                                                The tall man walked back over to me and slid a hand up my shirt. I winced at the contact. then he went to a nearby closet and opened it, pulling out a whip. "I hope you don't mind, but we need to get you ready for Thomas"  

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