Let The Games Begin

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                It was 11:43 pm when we got home. Joan took a long time trying to find our location, and we where all exhausted. Patton was asleep already and Deceit was holding him and taking him to his room. Remus and Roman crashed on the couch, and Virgil went to his room. me on the other hand had a hard time keeping my eyes open, I didn't know if it was the fact that I had the body of a 12 year old, or the fact that it had been a long 3 days. I felt Thomas pick me up of the ground, I hadn't even noticed that I had fallen. he took me up to my room and laid me down on the my queen sized bed, putting under my covers and shutting the door as he left. 

                 Wait no, I couldn't sleep right now, I needed to find out an antidote to turn us back to are normal ages. I slid out of bed, having a hard time keeping my eyes open, and went over to my desk. but on the way there I bumped into something that I had made, making the world spin for a moment. "what did it hit" I groan, rubbing my eyes to open them more, but it was not every effect full, so I gave myself a good slap in the face. that woke me up. I look around to see that my room had changed. the floor was darker and the walls where a complete black, and the bed was a darker blue. and my pictures of everyone where gone, along with my favorite books. 

                 "Logan~ do you have the plans for getting the light sides to join us?" a cheerfuller voice was heard at the door. 

                   "what do you mean light sides. is this Remus?" I was a bit confused. light sides join us? I thought. Patton, Roman, kinda Virgil, and I are the light sides and I don't think Remus had plans on making us dark sides. 

                    "No, its Patton. why would it be Remus? he a light side, he is not aloud here unless he joins us." Patton kept talking to me through the door. "and why does you voice sound different, and you sick?" Patton began to open the door. WHAT DID I HIT! 

                     I quickly run up to the door and shut it, making sure to lock it. "NO, I'm okay, I'm not sick, I'll be done in a moment" 

                     "Okay Logan, but if you don't get out here in 15 minutes I'm going to have to take things into a INSANE level" 

                      "G-got it, bye!" I said, backing away from the door as I heard Patton walk off. I put my had to my forehead. "aw man did I hit the Reality switch. if so it will not be wise to walk out of this room, not looking like the Logan from this Reality."  I looked at the desk to see if the Logan from here had another version if the Reality switch. Nope. "I'm going to make a new one, but I don't know if I have the time, and how am I going to trick the alternate Patton that I'm the Logan from here. To many questions and so little answers. 

                   The door unlocked, I spun around to see Roman, wearing a black and red prince outfit. "well well well, what do we have here?" Roman walked into the room. 

                 "did you fail another experiment, Logan?" Patton walked in after. he held an Axe! and his cloths are darker and he had a stuffed cat around his neck. 

                 "Oh no no no," said Roman "Patton, he doesn't look like our Logan at all, in fact he looks like he is a light side, but that doesn't seem possible" 

                "Unless he happens to be from another Reality" I look over to see Thomas but in dark clothes, and he had eye shadow on like the way Virgil wore it. "think about it, he's a kid and he has a more innocent looking face alone with the fact the he is rather cute and are Logan will kill you if we didn't call him Control" 

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