Chapter 1: Game Start

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A thin brown-skin man lounged about on a couch in an upscale condo while flipping through channels. He stopped on X-Files.

"...And it was on this day twelve years ago that the young trainer Red stumbled across a gruesome scene. Twenty-two victims of child-abuse and child-molestation were found chained to the very walls themselves in the dark. Conditions not even an animal could bear. Three of which were deceased, still hanging from their shackles and others having spent almost their entire youth in bondage. All of them registered trainers under trusted and almost idolized professors. This, however, was only the beginning of the discovery of a global child sex-trafficking scandal..."

A woman grabbing something to eat from the fridge dropped an egg. "Damn it. Hey Ricardo, remind me to get more eggs next time I go out."

Ricardo looked toward her from the couch. "Yea, yea. I got you. But you know what's weird La'Shay?"

"X-Files is on so I'm guessing its another conspiracy theory of yours?"

"Don't diss my ideology this is factual, I think. But seriously, how did the world ever think releasing 10-year olds to do the bidding and whims of fully-grown adults unsupervised was ever a good idea??"

La'Shay folded a napkin to clean up the egg mess she made.

"Hm... Probably the same way that you're 24 years old, jobless, and laying around doing the same routine everyday. You just don't give a fuck."

"First of all, getting a job is difficult these days. It ain't like the old times where Pokemon were just companions. People are using them for practically anything labor intensive now."

La'Shay sighed. "Lazy ass bum. You're lucky I love you."

"Heh." Ricardo chuckled. "Enough to let me crash with you a little while longer?"

"Nigga who the hell is going to let their boyfriend rot in the streets?"

"Wait a minute, didn't you do that to your ex?"

La'Shay threw the eggy napkin at Ricardo. "Shut the hell up before you end up next".

The napkin smacked Ricardo on the side of his head splattering over his face and the couch. "Ugh! What the fuck yo?! This shit is mad sticky!"

"I know it is." La'Shay walked up to Ricardo and whispered in his clean ear. "My shit better be clean before I leave for work in a bit too." Then kissed him on the cheek and waltzed to her bedroom.

Ricardo waited til she closed the door. "You don't even need to threaten me, you been acting like you had the dick in this relationship since day one!"

She didn't reply. He took that as him being in the clear and got up to wipe the egg off his face. "Dropping damn Swanna eggs and shit... these ain't cheap girl..."

Just then a commercial flickered on the TV.

"Are you tired of the monotonous day to day activities that is your life!? Do you seek a purpose that is both entertaining and fulfilling?! Or do you maybe believe you have a certain knack for Pokemon?!? If any of these apply to you or even if you want a general change in scenery then maybe being a Trainer is for you! Any and all are invited to..."

"SHAAAAAAY!! I'M HEADING OUT!!" Ricardo ran for his shoes and jacket. The opportunity was too good to pass up. How could he? Trainer casting calls were very far and few between. He heard Shay's muffled voice from behind the door.

"...Better be CLEAN!!"

Not quite hearing either her or the TV there was only one place in town that could hold the sheer number of people that such a talent call on public television would attract. The stadium near downtown was old but sturdy and news of the Gym Leader Mikael going into retirement soon had spread like wildfire.

"Cut me some slack woman, I'm getting a job!"

He threw out a quick I love you to Shay before bumbling through the front door and made his way down from the third floor staircase. He paused at Shay's Jeep... then decided she would need it herself and proceeded toward downtown on foot.

"Ayoo Taxi!"

A yellow cab stopped for Ricardo allowing him in. "What street? Going to that casting call downtown?"

Ricardo squinted "It's that popular already?"

"The line stretches for blocks. I hear they have over 100 staff doing street inspections cutting people before they even get close. Guess they have some strict guidelines, heh?"

"Well.." Ricardo looked out the window back toward Shay's condo. "...Let's rumble."

The Cab driver drove toward downtown and stopped him off at the end of the line just a few blocks out. "Yeesh, they sure work quick. Only half a day and just a fraction of the original line remains. But that'll be 1804 Pence."

Ricardo swiped his I.D. "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime. Name's Guillermo, just call for cab 0014." Ricardo closed the door letting the driver leave.

A few people at the end of the line saw him coming up and turned to confront him. "Hey chicken legs, this shit for real niggas only. You better call that cab back and go home" The 4 of them laughed.

Ricardo opened his arms. "Real niggas only? Says the nigga wearing a belt but his pants still around his ankles. What? Waiting for a Tauros to come assfuck you like your lost daddy did?"

"Whoaaaa there homeboy you ain't have to go with that personal shit. You soundin' like me and my crew need to learn ya some respect yea?" The 4 of them began circling Ricardo and squared up.

Ricardo looked around. "Bitch this ain't even fair. Shit, I bet your ass too pussy to handle your shit alone anyway. Go ahe--"

One of the thugs behind Ricardo put him in a headlock. He struggled in vain against his grip.

"Big talk for a nigga with toothpicks for legs huh?" The main punched him in the stomach making Ricardo gasp for breath.

"Fuck--ing... b-b-bitch!" Ricardo leaned back picking his feet off the ground and tried to kick but the thug had backed out of his range.

"Still got breath to spit and kick, huh?" He pulled out a pocket knife. "Let's fix that issue right now!" One of the thugs from the side punched Ricardo hard in his jaw. His vision flashed white.

Ricardo recoiled still in the headlock. "Ca-call.. that.. a punch?? My bitch.. back home hit.. harder th-than that!"

He came to seeing the main coming at him. He forced a reactionary kick and disarmed him.

The main shook his hand in pain "Oooh so you think you're slick? Guess I'll shank you for real for real!" He picked the knife back up and came for Ricardo again. Right before the knife got close, the clouds darkened and made a loud crackle then produced a thundering bolt of lightning right in front of Ricardo.


The thug, singed, fell forward in his steps. Injuries in critical condition. The other let go of Ricardo and the rest backed off.

"Zebstrika, Return."

A thunder patterned zebra with two thunder bolts for horns flashed red then withdrew to its owner's ball.

Gym Leader Mikael stood across the street.

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