The Park

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Today I woke up in a totally soaked diaper. It felt warm, and it was swollen and looked sooo cute.
Mom walked in and told me to change my diaper and get ready to go to the park. I froze...
S- Mom, do I really have to wear my diaper in public?
M- why yes sweetie, baby's need to where diaper no matter where they are, we don't want u too have an accident.

She said it like she knew something I didn't, anyway, after I got dressed, I walked down the hall, past the living room, into the dining room. My mom had breakfast ready, scrambled eggs with a glass of milk, it looked weird, but I drank it anyway.

Later, before we went to the park, I had the sudden, sharp urge to poop. I started panicking, I'm not allowed to use the restroom, I know I pooped my pants before but I didn't want too now. I went to walk to the restroom but my mom caught me, picked me up (I don't weigh very much), and put me in a car seat. I told her while she was buckling me in that I had too poop, she smiled and said, ok.

M- I knew u would, that's why I put laxitives in your milk.
S- w...why would I do that?
M- Because baby's use there Diapers for everything, so will u.

She closed the sliding door. The pain got even more painful, I was going to poop, I held it all I could, but then, it just happened, I felt a warm log slip into my diaper, I couldn't get up because of the seat belts on the car seat,the poop just smushed against my butt, I cried softly, my mom asked me what was wrong, but then she smelt it.

M- awwww, did mommy's little baby make a poopie?
S- I'm sorry Mommy
M- well I can't change u until we get to the park, you'll have to sit in it.

I can't believe this, I had too sit in this warm, nasty diaper, but now I have too pee. I already went poo, so I didn't care if I went pee, so I just relaxed my bladder, and let it run. It made a loud hissing sound, and made the whole diaper swell, it was so full. I looked down but because of the onesie and the skirt I couldn't see my diaper, I guess that was okay, I don't want anyone else to see it.
We got to the park and my mom unbuckled me, then I saw everyone looking at me, I told her too put me down, but she said no and carried me too the public restroom, she sat me on the changing table hanging off the wall, lifted my legs up and took my diaper off, then someone walked out of one of the stalls, and say my mom changing me, a 17 year old girl was getting her diaper changed by her mom.  She walked out and I was totally embarrassed, I started crying, my mom looked at me and told me I was just hungry. But we didn't bring any food. She put a new diaper on me and buttoned my onesie. She took me off the changing table and held my hand and walked me too the park bench, she sat down and told me to go play, I didn't want to play, I'm 17, I shouldn't even be in diapers, but I am, because I can't stop peeing on myself.
My mom told me just to go sit on her lap, because I was clearly hungry. I was confused, but I sat on her lap, maybe she bought lunch. But then she put her boob in my mouth, she told me just to suck on it. Nothing came out, but I was crying. I hated this, everyone was looking. I was crying, sucking on my mom's boob and peeing my self because I was crying so much I couldn't hold it.

S- why am I doing this
M- I told u, baby's act like baby's, you are a baby.
S- But I don't want to be a baby
M- then why do u pee and poop your self

Just as she said that, I pooped my self, in front of everyone at the park.

M- don't worry baby, your dad is going to pick u up soon.
S- what, what if he finds out?
M- oh baby, he already knows, everyone does, I told them on Facebook.
S- what, I thought u would only do that if I didn't wear my diapers.
M- I know, but I couldn't miss the chance to have a baby again, so now that everyone knows, your never going back to being a big girl, your going to stay in diapers forever.

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