The Eye of the Phoenix

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Guinevere and Merlin peeked through the doorway to see Arthur kneeling in front of the throne wearing all white.

"What's he actually doing?" Gwen whispered.

"Thinking," Merlin whispered back.

"About what?"

"You." Gwen punched Merlin in the side. "Ow! Oh, shhhhh."

They closed the doors and left Arthur in peace. "He has to decide upon a quest," Merlin explained.

"And crouching on his knees all knight's gonna help?"

"Yes, he has to transcend his body so that the quest is revealed to him in a vision."

"And you're gonna stay here and watch?"

"Gwen, this is one of the most important days in a prince's life." Gwen looked at him in a 'are you serious?' way, but Merlin just shrugged. They bid each other good night and Gwen left to her cottage.

Now that Merlin was alone, he allowed himself to wonder if he would ever be given a chance to prove himself worthy of his throne. He shook away those thoughts. His kingdom was gone and Lancelot hadn't returned and neither had Gwaine. They were probably dead and he would never claim what was rightfully his. 

After hours, morning finally came. King Uther and the Court entered the throne room to bring Arthur back to earth. Uther put a hand on Arthur's shoulder, waking him from his meditation. "It is time. What is the quest you have chosen?"

"I can see but one path, Sire. I am to enter into the realm of the Fisher King and find the golden trident spoken of in the Legends of the Fallen Kings."

"You do understand that if you are to prove yourself worthy of the throne, you must complete this task alone and unaided?"

"I do."


Later that day, as Merlin ate lunch, he asked Gaius, "who's the Fisher King?"

"He was a sorcerer that lived many hundreds of years ago."


"Legend has it, he was wounded in battle. The wound festered and the infection spread not just through his body, but through his lands as well. His mighty kingdom was reduced to a wasteland and has remained that way to this day."

"I don't understand. Why is Uther so worried?" Merlin asked.

"Some believe the Fisher King's still alive... kept from death by his magic."

"Do you?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. But the people of the North call the area the 'Perilous Lands.' Few who have ever ventured there have lived to tell the tale."


Once Merlin finished making Arthur's bed, he went over to see what he was studying. "All these maps," Merlin said, "none of them are the same."

"Well done, Merlin. Do you know why?"


"Because hardly anyone's ever been there."

"Couldn't you have chosen something a bit easier?" Merlin asked, slightly annoyed that Arthur was making his job harder for him.

"I'm meant to be proving my worth to the people. A quick trip to the lower town to collect a bundle of herbs probably won't cut it."

"But the Perilous Lands are perilous. Maybe I should come with you."

"What for?"

"To help out."

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