Chapter 1~

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~Alyssa's POV~

I sat in the cafe with Simon waiting for Clary. She was trying to get into the Brooklyn Academy of Art.

Sipping my coffee as Clary walks in with her face hanging down. Simon immediately jumps into action.

"Give me the professors names and I will end them," Simon says trying to act tough.

"Only with a scathing email to the dean," I say rolling my eyes and laughing at Simon.

He gave me a small glare before looking back at Clary.

"Don't bother," Clary states, sliding an envelope over to Simon.

All it took was a quick glance to notice the big bold red letters at the top of the page that read 'CONGRATULATIONS'.

"The sad face really?" I asked, giving her a sideways smile.

"Well played. Well played." Simon says as him and Clary fist bumped. Clary just giggled.

"You know it was kinda weird, they kinda liked my assigned work but they flipped out over the drawings for our graphic novel." She said glancing at her stuff.

"You're Welcome," Simon said smiling at Clary.

"This day will go down in history as the greatest 18th birthday I've ever had," Clary says as the waitress brings them their latte's.

"You only ever get one 18th birthday," I smirk at Clary taking a sip of my drink. Clary lightly hits my arm causing my drink to slosh around in the mug.

"Which is why we are celebrating tonight. With Maureen after our show." Simon nudges me.

"No," I say sternly giving him a serious look.

"Please." He begs me.

"Nein," I repeated, setting my mug down on the table.

"Please," He says, dragging out the 'e'. "I'll do anything just please come." Simon begs me as I give him the 'I hate you' glare.

He wants me to go to the pandemonium with them tonight. I normally would because who doesn't like to drink and dance without a freaking care in the world, it is also Clary's birthday but that's not the point, tonight was just different. I could tell, and the last place you want to be is the pandemonium when something bad is going to happen.

"Simon, I want to go I just have something that came up," Clary smiles and Simon gives me a frowning face.

"Something more important than your best friend's birthday?" He asks, giving me a lopsided grin knowing I'll cave and say yes.

"Fine, only for a few hours before I have to go. Sorry Clary stuff came up." I say and she shakes her head giving me a big grin understanding where I'm coming from.

"I finally got her, partially. I'm still proud of myself." Simon over exaggerates.

"Oh shut up," I hit his arm and start laughing.

"Owww what was that for?" Simon asks, giving me a pouty face.

"A lot of things Simon, a lot of things," I grin at him.

"Ok, I deserved that." He says looking back at Clary.

"Ok, enough you two back to the main topic." She says giving me and Simon a goofy look as she takes a sip of her latte.

"So Simon, what's the deal with you and Maureen?" Clary asks smirking at him.

"Yeah Simon, what's the deal with you and Maureen?" I say teasing him while resting my head on my hands as both Clary and I look at him.

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