Chapter 3~

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~Alyssa's POV~

I took off down the street towards Clary's house.The rain beating down on me like it was trying to stop me. I run down the back alley and climb up the fire escape. As I make my way through one of the broken windows my foot slips on the window sill and I fall forward cutting my arm and leg open on the glass. Nothing time wouldn't heal but still hurt a hella lot.
    I pick a small piece of glass out of my arm before standing up and making out my surroundings. I look at the charred walls of our old home. I make my way to the door of my old room and open it gently. The door creaks open only to reveal a whole new space. Everything was gone from my wall of photos to my wardrobe full of all my clothes.
    I began to rummage through all the burnt objects when I see the reflection of something silver out of the corner of my eye. I see a small shiny object sticking out from behind the wall paper. I tilt my head not remembering there being something behind my wall. I pull back the paper only to reveal a small box in the wall.
    Something about this box draws me to it. Before I get a chance to grab it an all to familiar scream echos through the walls.
   "Shit Clary!" I race out the room making my way down the stairs to the living room.
    I turn the corner to see a Ravener demon about to attack Clary. I jump straight into action as I push Clary away when it lunges at her. I duck down before it has time to tackle me only getting a nip at my bicep.
     I hissed in pain as I tried to find my stele. 'My bags are still in Simon's car' I say to myself. 'Shit'. I quickly sit up as the demon corners Clary and before I know it a flash of blonde hair is standing behind the demon with a sword through it.
    The demon disappears into a pile of ash. Clary takes a deep breath before blondie speaks up.
    "What no 'thank you' for saving your life?" He says as he shrugs his shoulders. "Demon got a piece of you."
    "Make that two of us." I say clutching my arm.
    "You're still standing?" He questions confused.
    "Barely but i'll survive... I think." I say he cracks a small smile before turning back to Clary.
    "Demons?" Clary questions leaning further into the pole as Jace reaches up to move her hair inspecting the wound.
    "Yeah, what do you think that miserable, disgusting thing was." He asks.
    "I thought it was Dot." She replies, turning her head slightly.
    "No." I say as she glances at me briefly.
    "Ravener demon, shapeshifter." Jace finishes for me.
    "No, you're just saying words." She whispers starting to sway a little. "Wa-why is the room swirling?"
    "Demon venom." I speak through gritted teeth. Making my way over to Clary she starts swaying.
"Is that bad?" Jace catches her as she falls and picks her up.
"I got you." He whispers to Clary before looking at me. "Can you walk?" I nod in response as he starts walking away.

~Emersons POV~

Isabelle and I were finishing up a report as Jace stumbles in with Clary in his arms and Lyssa not even a second behind him.
"Lu!" I yell as I run up and wrap my arms around her.
"Hey." She says in almost a whisper.
"What happened?" I ask as Lu starts to sway.
"Demon, bite. Glass, Clary." She mumbled before falling sideways as I caught her helping lay her on the ground delicately.
"Alec! Izzy." I yell as Jace had already left. They both come down the stairs and see Alyssa lying on the ground passed out. "I need your stele. Demon venom." I say as Alec leans down and traces over her healing rune.
"I'll take her to the infirmary. Make sure she's not dead." He says picking up the limp girl.
"Thank you Alec." I say and go to finish Izzy and I's report. After that I head to the infirmary to see how Lyssa was doing.


~Alyssa's POV~

I sit in a chair surrounded by darkness. I look around trying to undo the binds fastening me to this chair. I struggle and thrash around as the dark begins to blur into a red room. I stop thrashing and take in my new surroundings. It looked like a loft style apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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